Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happy Holidays

Good Morning everyone...last day of work and school and we are done for 10ish days so that is really good news. Yesterday went good, our work feast was yummy and bowling was a success. I'm not sure when I'll be posting next but you will see all the Christmas pictures I'm sure. Today's picture is her in her little wagon, she loves being pushed around the house in it. Have a safe and happy holiday!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

3 days til Christmas Tuesday

Good Morning everyone. We are having a good week so far, only 2 days left and we are headed home for Christmas! Today is our Christmas feast day at work and we are going bowling so it should be pretty fun. Peanut is now the oldest baby in her room at daycare, I can't believe how time flies. Pretty soon (sooner then I want to think about I'm sure) she will be moving to the next room where they sleep in cots instead of cribs and have scheduled nap times. Hope everyone has a great Tuesday and finishes everything they have left to do for Christmas. We will be eating food, bowling and then packing, packing, packing! The picture above is her first attempt at her new potty and the picture below is her all dressed and ready to go to Olivia's party.....and I have added a bonus 1 year video, hope it works for everyone.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Santa....I know him!

Good Morning everyone. As you can tell by today's picture we had a good weekend. We finished Christmas shopping and went to Olivia's birthday party. We wrapped tons of presents and went to see Santa. She did great with him, as you can see. We weren't sure what to expect but she gave us a giant smile. We originally went to the Santa Land set up downtown at Boston Store but there was a 90 minute wait there so we went to the mall later in the afternoon and that was no problem. Now she is truly ready for Christmas! Have a great Monday everyone...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandpa Bray!

Wooohooo Happy Birthday Grandpa! Today's picture is titled "You can have my cupcake, I don't want it." in honor of the birthday. Yesterday was a good day, nothing too eventful to report. One day of work left for the week, yay! This weekend will be spent finishing out Christmas shopping, wrapping presents and packing for our trip home next week. I cant Christmas is a week away already. Last year at this time I was stumbling around the house wondering what we had gotten ourselves into and enjoying a 6 day old baby. This year we are still stumbling around the house but now have a bit better idea of what we got ourselves into, that is, when we actually have time to think about it. Have a great Thursday and even better weekend!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Tunnel of Fun

Good Morning everyone, I made it on this morning to post! We are having an alright week so far, just waiting for next week to get here since it's a short week and we get to head home for Christmas. Daphne is having a blast with the toys she got for her birthday. Today's picture is her crawling through her tunnel that she got from John, Greta and Olivia. She absolutely LOVES this thing. It attaches to a little tent that she can hang out in too! She had no reservations about barreling through it to greet the person on the other side. Yesterday, when we picked her up from school, we were greeted with a surprise pony tail. It was the cutest thing we have seen in awhile, besides her daily of course. Peanut with a pony tail is just down right stinking cute, you can't see to clearly above but she has one in the picture. Hope you have a good Wednesday, just one more day left this week!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Missed Tuesday

Sorry about missing my post today guys, my morning routine was thrown off. Daphne had her 1 year doctor visit today, she is 18lbs 10oz (15%) and 28inches (12%). They said she was doing good. They checked her over to see how her lungs sounded and how her ears looked. They said her lungs sounded good but both of her ears looked red. When she was in last week they couldn't get a good look at her ears so they aren't sure if it's on it's way out and or just starting up. I'm really hoping it's on its way out since tomorrow is the last day of the antibiotic! She seems to be coughing less and in good spirits but then when we got home she didn't want much of dinner, kind of gagged and pooped 4 times (total today) so I'm not sure what's up. All I know is we can't handle another think get well thoughts! Today's picture is Peanut with her cupcake.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Happy First Birthday Daphne - 12-11-09

The party was a success. There were a total of 12 people counting adults and babies. The babies did wonderfully and had a lot of fun. I posted a couple pictures of the present opening, I will post more through out the week. She was not a fan of her cupcake but loved the Corn Sausage Chowder instead. I will post the cake pictures later too. My house is clean and I even had a chance to do my Christmas cards so that was an added bonus. Unfortnutley Mike and I have been infected with whatever Daphne has, which seems to be a horrible cough, and for me a horrible sore throat. She has her one year doctor appointment Tuesday so they can see if they think she is any better... All I know is Daphne and I were up every hour last night starting at 10:30 so I am not feeling it today. I have too much going on at work to miss today so that's not an option. She was waking to nurse and didn't really seem to be feeling horrible so I'm not too worried about her going to school but we'll see when she gets up. At this point all I want for Christmas is 4 solid hours of sleep in a row instead of waking up 4-5 times at night. Have a good Monday everyone...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Birthday at School

Good Morning everyone. Today is unfortunately not another snow day so we will all be getting up at our usual time and heading off to work and school. Since Daphne won't be going tomorrow she will get to celebrate her birthday at school today! I made Banana cupcakes with cream cheese frosting for her and her friends, hopefully they like them. We got about 5 inches of heavy wet snow yesterday and the temperatures are suppose to plummet today with really strong winds. Daphne is feeling alright, not seeing any major improvements yet but today is day 4 of 10 of the antibiotics so hopefully we will soon. It's hard to believe that a year ago today I was getting up to go out for breakfast before checking into the hospital at noon. Wow how time flies.....Have a great Thursday!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snow Day!!!!

Wooohooo, today is a snow day. We got lots of wet heavy snow and schools were cancelled so daycare was as well. I am staying home from work with Peanut! She is getting a bit better but still has a runny nose and cough... I will do another list today just for the fun of it.

Crazy things my parents make me do...

Sit in buckets with my animals....

Clean up after dinner in the sink...

Climb on box wine...

Sit next to some strange guy on the porch...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Daphne's Favorites...

Good Morning, we are slowly on the road to recovery. Daphne got some antibiotics yesterday so hopefully those can help this mean cough go away. Today we are going to list Daphne's favorite things...

Daphne's favorite...

.....Music to dance to comes from her rapping Penguin.

.....Thing to eat and make a mess with is beans!

.....Lights are on the Christmas tree!
...Toy to walk with is her new walker!
Thanks to this she has officially taken 3 steps all on her own!

...Thing about winter is getting all bundled to go outside.
(ok I had to fudge a little to get the cute snowsuit picture in...)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Reasons why Daphne shouldn't be getting sick again...

It's just not fair...
She is too cute
She loves christmas bows
Her birthday is in 4 days
She can't go to school and see her friends
She doesn't get a good nights sleep
She was already sick 2 months ago...
and 1 month ago
she might have to go see the doctor and we hate the doctor...
plus she goes to the doctor next week anyway for her 1 year apt

But all of those reasons aren't good enough I guess cause she is not feeling good today. Mike is going to stay home with her and we will call for an appointment.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Frost and Snow Thursday

This morning when I let Zeus outside I saw it.....the first whiteness on the grass. I'm not sure if it was snow or a really heavy frost but I guess it is officially winter today, December 3rd. I will have to dress Peanut in her real winter coat. It's just in time for us to start decorating outside in 10 degree weather instead of 45 degree weather. Tomorrow is Mike's birthday, not sure what we will do yet but we will have some sort of birthday celebration. Unfortunately I have to work for about 2 hours in the morning so Peanut will have to go to school then...sigh. This means we will have to do our usual morning routine so no extra bed time for us, ugh. Have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Rambling Wednesday

Happy Wednesday everyone, apparently the week is flying by since I had this post titled Tuesday for about 10 minutes. Everyone had a good day yesterday, nothing out of the ordinary to report. At school they said she is standing on her own all the time and one of her favorite things to do is crawl over to this bouncer that plays music, hit the music button and dance. She also loves to climb into the toy box, even when they warn her she might fall she gets her leg over anyway and crawl right in. They did say that she has also safely gotten out of it to so it's a learned skill I guess. We have a lot of family projects going on right now, here is what we are working on:
  • Moving furniture around to put up our tree
  • Putting up Christmas lights inside
  • Taking down the last strand of Halloween lights
  • Putting our Penguins in the front yard
  • Wrapping our giant pine tree trunk in lights
  • Wrapping everyone's presents
  • Finish buying everyone's presents
  • Getting ready for Dad's birthday in 2 days!
  • Getting ready for Daphne's birthday in 9 days
  • Getting ready for Grandpa Bray's birthday in 15 days
  • Figuring out what kind of birthday cake everyone should have
  • Handing out 1st Birthday invites (you're all invited, see above :) )
  • Unpacking from our trip
So those are just few but I'll save you from any further torture. Have a great Wednesday...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Officially December

I can't believe it is December first. Peanut is 10 days away from being 1 year old. I never thought time could go as fast as it has this past year. It is amazing what we have been through but how quickly it has gone. We are planning a small get together on her birthday weekend with a few friends and family, if I can get my act together and send out the invites. Yesterday went pretty good for all of us, no surprises and we all made it home in one piece. Peanut has a doctors appointment today for her lingering cough. I think it's on it's way out but it will be 3 weeks tomorrow that she has had it so we thought we'd rather be safe then sorry. Today's picture was taken at John and Heather's house by Heather, I think it's in the running for being used on the birthday invite. Have a great Tuesday.