Monday, August 31, 2009

Walk to the Park

Good Morning, we've made it to another Monday. We had a great weekend, the weather was a little chilly but we enjoyed lots of family time and hanging out. Here are some of the weekends adventures...(from Peanut's view)
* Took a walk to the park by our house
* Tried apple blueberries for the first time
* Went to the farmers market
* Went to the library
* Played with lots of toys on the floor
* Practiced standing up all day long in my crib and my laundry basket...and on mom and dad, the couch, the chair, the wall
* Tried over and over again to eat my little fish carpet, I just want a taste darn it!
* Laughed hysterically at Zeus all the time, he is just so stinkin funny
* Took some naps
....and lots more I can't remember but it was sure a great weekend.
Hope everyone had a good weekend!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Here I come...

Good Morning everyone. We made it to the last day of the week! Woooohoooo...Peanut had a good day at school yesterday, she is still adjusting to the new room but all in all it went well. No big adventures to report from our end. Today she goes in for shots, yuck! She will be getting two....I hate shot day. Mike also has a work outing after work until 7 so it will just be Peanut and I going for shots and at home tonight, that should be interesting. Today's pictures are a photo reenactment of her crawling. Have a great day!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

We made it!

Good Morning everyone. Peanut made it through her first day on her big girl side of the room. Thanks for all the encouraging thoughts that were shooting her way. She had a pretty good day for her first day, she napped, ate and played. Hopefully today goes just as well. She is sleeping a bit better so that's nice. Still has the stuffy nose and cough and has now passed it to me. It's almost the end of our week so if we can make it 2 more days then we will have the long weekend to rest up. Today's pictures are the first days of school in her first room, New Beginnings, and her new room, Pitter Patter. Have a great Wednesday.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Day...

Good morning everyone. We had a better night last night, thank goodness! Peanut is still all stuffed up and has a bit of a cough but she did sleep better so that's good. She will be going to her new room today at school, I wish she didn't have to start sick but at least it will only be a 3 day week for her now. She had a good day home with Dad yesterday. She got to stay in her PJ's all day and play on the floor with her very own toys and take naps in her very own bed. Yesterday she tried watermelon for the first time, she loved it. I got an organic yellow watermelon from the fancy store attached to the wood fire pizza restaurant (Il Ritrovo) in town. She tried it in her mesh feeder and in little pieces and both seemed to be a hit. Today should be a pretty easy day, Mr. Zeus has a vet appointment but that is all that is going on other then work and school. Think positive thoughts today as little Peanut begins her adventure on to the next room at school. Have a good Tuesday...

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Sneezes

Today's post is late because someone has a case of the sneezes...and runny nose and cough. Yes, Peanut is sick with a little late summer cold. She didn't sleep very well last night and was up at least every half hour, so therefore no one slept all that well last night. She is staying home with Dad today so she doesn't have a horrible first day in her new room. Hopefully by tomorrow she will be feeling a bit better! We had a really great weekend, I even got in some of the craft projects I have been trying to do (see pictures below). Think energizing thoughts for me today as I drag through work with fragments of sleep.

Friday, August 21, 2009


Yesterday was Daphne's last day in the New Beginning's room....sniff. Below are art projects and her graduation card from her last day. Her nickname was Gorgeous Girl...they called her that every day when we dropped her off and she even responded to it for them. No other baby had nicknames so she must have been extra special of course! The first picture is one of my favorites, I talked about it one day this's caption is "This looks like a good seat, I'll sit here", they sent it home for us and post it on the door of the room. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The smirk

Good Morning everyone! Last day of the week for Peanut and I! Yesterday she visited the Pitter Patter room again and had some of her bottle for the new ladies, not all of it but some of it, so she is making some progress. They did say that she is pulling herself up and crawling all over the place, even out of this little circular play area with a wall. And they sent home a hilarious picture of her sitting on top of the toy bucket. She was crawling around and decide on top of the toy bucket would be a good sitting place, and plop, there she sat looking just like it was normal. I am so happy that it's the last day of work for the week and we will now have a nice long weekend at home. I think we might go out to dinner tonight with some friends, assuming nothing comes up. Other then that we really dont have any other plans. I will probably try and attack some more monster weeds out front but there is a chance of rain so that just might not happen. Next week we have vaccines for both Peanut and Zeus so it will be a busy one. Hope you all have a great weekend!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Drop

Good Morning everyone. Yesterday was another tired day but we all made it through all right. Last night seemed a bit better, not through whatever is bugging her at night yet but seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. Every day this week Peanut is going over to the Pitter Patter room at school to visit and get a bit more familiar with the surroundings. Yesterday she went over there and they said she played great. She didn't want to take her bottle for the ladies over there but that will come with time I suppose. Today's post is titled "The Drop", with pictures featuring Peanuts favorite way to play with her toys (as many of you are familiar with I'm sure). It also features Dad, our new back carrier and Peanut's first baby doll! Have a great day left after today!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Pitter Patter

Good Morning....we have all made it to Day #2 of the week! Yesterday was a regular day, Peanut did pretty well at drop offs so that was good. Last night was a bit better for sleep, except for we are trying to catch up for 2 nights of no sleep so 1 with sleep doesn't quit cover it yet *yawn*. Yesterday at school we learned that by Monday Peanut will be moving to the next room!!!! This is the room for babies in the next stage (i.e. crawling, walking, etc). It is called the Pitter Patter Room. I can't believe she is moving. It is essentially the same room that she is in now, they share one large room with a half wall in between them and when her current teachers aren't there the one's from the other side take her so she knows them too. I'm nervous about the move for her since it will be different but I think she will do great. All this week she goes over to that half and visits to get use to it. Have a great Tuesday!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Sleep? What's that?

Good Morning, although I can't believe it's already morning, and Monday at that. For the past two nights Daphne hasn't been sleeping good at all. Something is bothering her and she is thrashing all about and waking up to let us know she is not comfortable. So this Monday we will be running on very little sleep for two nights in a row, oh joy. Hopefully this week at school goes better for her then last week and she can avoid having a breakdown when we leave. We had a great fun and productive weekend. Here are some of the things we did...

Pulled out 6ft. weeds
Had dinner with John, Greta and Olivia
I sewed a bib
We went for breakfast by the river and to the farmer's market
Peanut tried out our new shopping cart cover
Played outside
She tried carrots for the first time (and ate them all)
And of course, crawled all over the place

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Break on Through

Today is a bonus post so you can all see what Peanut has accomplished. She started crawling officially on Thursday, August 13th, this video is from that night. She is still getting the hang of it, a bit wobbly and not sure whether she wants to crawl or stand up and walk but she can do it!! You'll have to excuse the remnants of our trip behind her, they have now been unpacked... Enjoy the little video below, I'm sure there will be more to come!
* You'll have to excuse the wierd version of this song, not sure why it's doing that....but I still think you get the point :c)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Productive Friday

Quick post today due to clingy monkey....We have already been so productive! We slept in a minute or two, ate breakfast, took a 45 min nap, washed our comforter, and started chopping down the 6 foot weeds! It's great. We are just about ready for nap #2 now. Today's picture is Peanut loving the hotel bed!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Finally Thursday

Yes, we made it until the end of our week....well almost. Once today is over we will be home free. Peanut had a good day at school yesterday, except for her new fear of Mom leaving forever. When we dropped her off she cried so hard when we left, that is new this week and it sucks! Today we are going to try just Mike taking her in and see if that makes a difference at all, fingers crossed that it will work. This morning after we drop Peanut off at school we are going to a Wigwam Sale. Wigwam makes really cool socks and hats, and they do it right in Sheboygan. I found out they have a yearly family and friends sale that is suppose to be awesome, it starts this morning at 7:00 so we will swing by there between school and work. I will try and post tomorrow but hopefully not as early because we will still be sleeping! Today's pictures are with our friends from the wedding, the top one is with the bride (Tera) at the rehearsal dinner and the other two are with Lei and Christina as they were waiting with Mike for the wedding. Have a great Thursday!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wedding Update

Yay, only today and tomorrow left and our week is over. I think I can, I think I can.... This has been a busy week so far, and yes we still have unpacked bags and 6 ft weeds. I do, however, have cleaner teeth from going to my dentist appointment yesterday, Peanut has a savings account started for her and we (well Mike really) opened a Roth IRA and tonight after work Peanut and I will have happy backs from our Chiropractor visit. When Friday rolls around I will want to sleep all day but I am sure she will have different plans. Yesterday school went a little better, she had no afternoon nap at all though so that was strange. And her voice sounds scratchy so I think she has a bit of a sore throat, I am really hoping it doesn't turn into anything else. Yesterday she ate green beans for the first time and loved them so that was good news. The day before she ate pieces of avocado with cheerio crumbs (Avocado fries kind of), she really liked those too. Any way, for those that are looking for a wedding day update here it is. On Saturday I headed out for the wedding preparations at noon. Mike stayed in the room with Peanut and played with her toys. I came back at 2 to see them and grab my dressing supplies and headed back for the wedding stuff. Peanut and Mike visited with our friends Lei and Christina and walked all around the hotel. I went for pictures, then the wedding ceremony (Peanut did not make it as she was napping). Once that was done Mike had her in the hallway outside the ceremony to say hi but I was only quick cause we were late for pictures. Finally at 7:30 I had a chance to see them again, fed Peanut and went back down to the reception where they got to sit at the head table with me. She made it about 1.5 hours and then we put her to bed and took shifts at the reception. All in all it was a great night. Have a happy Wednesday everyone!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

2/3's of a year

Today Peanut is 8 months old!!! Wow how time flies. We made it through our first day back, it was a bit rough for everyone. I am thinking Peanut might be teething again, when I picked her up from school she had just woken up from a nap screaming her little head off and nothing could calm her down. She is more drooly lately and last night she was really loving her frozen wash cloth. Poor little Peanut never gets a break from the teeth. On to a continued update of our trip... We arrived in South Bend Friday afternoon and checked in to our hotel. It was a Marriott and those have the best beds in the world! No crusty hotel comforters or hard mattresses, it was glorious. I then headed to the rehearsal at 6:00 while Mike attempted to get her to sleep. She wasn't exactly a fan of going to bed sans Mom that night so when I returned at 7:30 she was detailing to Dad just how much she didn't appreciate his attempts. We decided it be the least painful if we all went to the rehearsal dinner so we got her and Dad dressed and walked over to the little Italian restaurant across the street. She was great at dinner and loved all the attention, we even made it through appetizers, wine, dinner and dessert. Once we got back to the room she went to bed with no problems. Today's picture is Dad and Peanut at the rehearsal dinner. Have a great Tuesday everyone!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Home Sweet Home

We have returned from our trip and have never been so happy to be home! It was a great time and we really enjoyed visiting everyone but it was also super busy with a lot of travel so it's great to be back. This morning I am SO tired and will be dragging all day, I am sure it will take us all the week to recover. The house is still strewn with traveling bags and miscellaneous car items. We got back last night around dinner time so we had no time to unpack yet, hopefully this week we can get that done. It is super hot here and is suppose to continue to be for the rest of this week I believe. Also, we were welcomed home by super weeds. The weeds next to our front porch must have been injected with steroids because they are out of control this year and are now almost as tall as me and invading the steps so another thing to add to the list this week. The animals are good and the house survived intact. I'll use this week to update you on our trip. Daphne did an amazing job, the car rides went great, we were never too stuck in the Chicago/Gary traffic and she slept a good chunk of both trips. We really enjoyed visiting Fort Wayne. We were there on Wednesday and Thursday night. We took Daphne to the zoo and the food co-op and we had a blast. We got to see our friends Kat and Ernest (who so nicely let us crash at there place) and we got to meet my friend Melissa and her family at the zoo. Today's picture is Peanut in her carseat holding tight to Dad's tie as we make our journey to South Bend. Hope you all have a great Monday and I don't fall asleep at work, more trip updates will come tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Road Trip Extravaganza

Well we are off at lunch today to start our trip to Indiana. Wish us luck and think no traffic and easy road trip thoughts. The car is loaded except for the last minute supplies. We are headed into work a bit early so we can leave early. I for sure won't be posting since I won't have a computer so I'm sure there will be some withdrawals, hang in there, I will be back on Monday with all kinds of crazy stories to tell and pictures to share. I am looking forward to seeing some friends I haven't seen in awhile, but I am also really not looking forward to the long drive and the Chicago/Gary part of it. Have a great rest of the week everyone!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Clothespin Needed

Yeah, today is our last full day of the week! Yesterday went well, it was an all around average Monday. Today's title is courtesy of the fact the Peanut is now eating more and more solid foods...and her diapers are no longer scentless wonders, they are now yucky and live up to the standard name of a diaper, we are definitely needing a clothes pin to change her! Today will be full of work and school, followed by more packing and getting stuff ready to take off tomorrow. The pictures I am posing are from a "series" called "in the laundry basket"...enjoy. Have a great Tuesday!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Thunder Storms

Good Morning everyone. Monday has arrived with lightening, thunder and pouring rain. It is still pitch black outside and it is usually getting bright already. It is the most perfect day to lay inside and watch movies in bed and do absolutely nothing, but, unfortunately that is not Monday's routine. We had a great productive weekend, which for Peanut and I, started Thursday evening. Here is a list of some of the fun things we got to do as well as the needed things we got out of the way:
  1. Peanut got 2 shots (she did great)
  2. Peanut went to the grocery store for the first time ever
  3. I made green bean baby food
  4. We went out for breakfast on Friday
  5. Daphne took some long naps with Dad (2.5 and 1.5 hours!)
  6. I got to go to the mall in Milwaukee (and Trader Joes!)
  7. Peanut tried Rice Cakes and Bananas
  8. She also ate Mango and Apple Sauce
  9. We went to visit our friend Tom on Elkhart Lake
  10. Peanut put her toes in the water and got to play with sand
  11. Peanut got to meet some big kids that loved her (a bit more then she loved them)
  12. I cleaned at least 5 BIG bags of clothes out of her closet (thanks to grandma Debbie!)
  13. I found shoes to wear in the wedding I'm in next weekend
  14. I started packing for our big trip Indiana
  15. Peanut started going from being on all 4's to sitting up on her own!!!!
I hope you all had great weekends. We are only working 2.5 days this week then we are headed to Indiana to visit some friends and go to a wedding. Today's picture features an outfit I won from my friends website, it's a great website that sells slings and Mei Tei's made by a great Mom. She loves her Sweet Pea outfit and looks so cute in it. I'm hoping today at work isn't as hectic as last week but we will see. It is Monday after all and those can go either way....