Thursday, April 30, 2009

Seaview Hotel

Today's title is another book I don't remember much about but know it was great. I'm not even sure that was the exact title but by making it today's blog title I might be inspired to remember. Yeah, we made it through the half way mark of the week!! That is something to celebrate. Yesterday was a pretty average day, decent day at school for Peanut. She did bring home an adorable little art project from school again, I will have to post it at some point. Last night we began the process of trying to get to sleep in her crib for the first part of the night. I have a feeling that will be a long process. Last night we got her to fall asleep in the nursery on the daybed next to me, then I got up and we left her there for awhile (not along, Mike was in the room the whole time). Then after we were sure she was good and asleep I attempted to move her to the crib. If that doesn't sound like a daunting task I don't know what does. Needless to say she ended up in her crib with her once sleepy eyes wide open and staring at me with a look that said "What the heck was that, what were you thinking!?!?" So I brought her back into bed with me and we went to sleep. We are going to keep trying every night though. Last night wasn't a complete success but she did fall asleep in there and sleep without me next to her for awhile so I think that counts for something. Have a good Thursday everyone, see you on FRIDAY!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I wish I had duck feet...

Today's title was one of Mike's favorite books when he was little, it was written by Dr. Seuss. I don't remember this one at all but he insists it is a great book so Daphne will be hearing it soon I am sure. I found out the title of Monday's book is "What Sadie Sang" by Eve Price. Update time...yesterday was a pretty good day, it was normal school routine for Peanut, she seemed to nap and eat as usual and was happy when we visited at lunch. When we picked her up we were talking to Naaman's mom and she was telling us how he is two months younger then Daphne and weighs 14.5lbs already, what a chunker! He has big chubby cheeks and is pretty cute. Daphne had a good night, other then her thrashing all around in her sleep making me realize I would give almost anything for a huge bed to myself and 7 hours of sleep again. She has learned a new skill! She now likes to roll over to her tummy in her sleep. Not my most favorite skill seeing as I have to be awake and watching to see that she completes it successfully but she seems to like it the best for the time being. Work is going alright, nothing to exciting, still waiting to figure out my flex hours. They tried offering me a the ridiculous option of working from 12-8 each day....yeah that sounds like a perfect schedule for new moms, how considerate.... needless to say we are still exploring the options. Hopefully soon we can figure something out. It has been sunny here but only about 30-40 degrees and windy. We are still stuffy but getting better. Tonight I have chiropractor at 4:00 so that will be a treat, maybe I will fall asleep. Today's picture is an action shot of her playing with her toy and kicking on the floor. Happy Hump Day!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Need a House, Call Miss Mouse

I have decided the titles for this week will be from books I remember growing up. Today's was one of my all time favorites as well. It was about this mouse that designed houses for all her friends. If I remember right there was a caterpillar, a spider, a butterfly, a frog and more. It had great pictures of the houses she designed, I remember wanting to live in them all. It was written by George Mendoza and is much easier to find online then yesterday's choice, which is not the correct title on yesterday's blog by the way. Alright, on to our update....yesterday Daphne did really well at school. She napped once for 1 1/2 hours! And the only reason she woke up was because I had to get her up to feed her at She ate pretty good and took a few other naps as well. Only downfall is she is still stuffed up and having to deal with the infamous nose sucker. I am still working on getting over this never ending disease as well but I am feeling much better. Hopefully we will all be clearing up by tomorrow....fingers crossed. Other then that nothing out of the ordinary, she has been getting up 1/2 - 1 hour earlier then usual so that has been interesting for our morning routine. Hopefully right now she is sleeping with Mike but I have a feeling I will go upstairs and find her talking away. Hope you all have a great day and can escape the rain!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Sadie Sings...

Good Morning everyone, hope you had a great weekend. We did despite the constant rain and extreme fog that persisted from early Saturday AM until now most likely. Friday was a pretty good day for Daphne at school. She got the rest of her book order in. Remember book orders, we use to get so excited about those at school. Well her daycare does them too so that's one exciting part of going there. We ordered some books so we have a new collection to read....we might of gotten a little over excited. I'm sure they think we are nuts since we have one of the youngest kids there and probably ordered the most books but oh well, when we picked them up they were all excited that we were reading to her so that's good at least. One of my favorite books when I was little was from the library and called "Sadie Sings", at least that's what I think it was called but I'm having trouble finding it online so I might be wrong. It was about a little girl who goes on walks with her neighbor and is singing the whole way. Any way, we had a good weekend, lots of hanging out indoors and just doing stuff around the house like usual. Peanut's cold seemed to improve on Saturday but on Sunday and this morning she seems stuffed up again....darn it! Oh and her check up on Friday went really well. She weighs 13lbs 7oz and is 25 in. long (50% in head size, 48% in weight and 75 % height) so doing great. We have shots scheduled for Thursday of this week so I really hope she is feeling better. The doctor said she looked good and it's just a cold for right now so we'll keep watching her. The rest of our weekend consisted of our Target trip, granola making, cleaning the house some, some tummy time, some napping and some family play time. She is really liking Zeus and laughs and smiles at him all the time. We have some good videos of it but now have to find the video charger so we can get them online, that should only take a couple months, haha. Well I better go check on Peanut, when I left her with Mike she was being pretty wiggly so we could have another early riser this morning. Have a good Monday!

Friday, April 24, 2009

79 Degrees....

That is today's high! (Insert face of utter shock here) How can we go from 32 and sleet Monday to almost 80 and Sunny in 5 days, amazing! We'll see if it truly does make it that high, but either way it's going to be a nice day. Yesterday was a good day at school for Peanut, about the average. She was even happy enough when we picked her up at the end of the day to go to the going away party for someone from work. Everyone loved her and said she was adorable (or course) and like her big blue eyes. She liked to squeal at everyone and stare. Two people held her, my friend Allison, who has held her at our house, and Frederick, my old manager who has 5 kids. She did great! We did have a small diaper scare though. Right when we got there and I was holding her and showing her off she decided it was the prime time to attempt to blow out her diaper...and with gusto. It was loud in there so no one could hear but trust me I could feel and see her face and she was giving it her best shot. Luckily no one else knew her secret "Im blowing out my diaper" face so they just thought she was adorable. This was the one time we opted not to bring the diaper bag since we were a few minutes from home and not going to change her there, luckily we didnt have to, we didn't stay that long and changed her right when we got home. She also went to bed really well, even after meeting a bunch of people in a noisy place. Today is Friday......YES!!!!!.....other then her checkup not much going on, if only we could not work and enjoy the beautiful weather. It's suppose to rain the next 3 days, possibly reach 60, but rain. I will post her new stats here Monday, we are going to wait to have her get the shots next week when she's all the way better. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ordinary Thursday

Happy Thursday brings the promise of 60 degrees and sun....yes! That might just mean that Peanuts car seat will not need the layers and layers of warm weather gear it usually does, she loves car seat freedom! Yesterday was a regular day, pretty nice out actually so that was a big change. We found out one of the ladies that works in the Infant Room sometimes is from Escanaba...not far from Marquette at all! Small world....we found that out because of Daphne's awesome outfit yesterday (in the picture above...thanks to Uncle Jake). Like I mentioned yesterday it was favorite sports team day at school....we don't have much for that so we went with the onsie from Michigan Tech University that Jake got us....and as you can see from the picture, yes it was a little big, but it was stinkin adorable. She had a pretty good night last night again and I think we are both getting better. She has her 4 mo. well baby visit tomorrow so we can find out her height and weight! We might hold of on the shots for another week since she's already just getting over something, don't want her to get even sicker. For Earth Day yesterday we walked over to the design center in Kohler and they had a bunch of cool exhibits out. We got some free earth friendly cleaner, a sappling and some information about farms in our area. It was pretty fun. Tonight is a going away party for someone at work, we are considering taking Peanut with us and staying just for an hour or less. We'll have to check the happiness level when we pick her up....if it's anything like yesterday I think we'll be ok. Have a great Thursday, I'm off to get Peanut dressed in something super cute in case she has her debut tonight!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day

Yeah for making it to the middle of the week!!!! From today on it is suppose to get much nicer here. Today it is going to be 50's and sunny and Friday is suppose to be in the 70's!! That is a much needed relief, although I know a lot of you are under a foot of snow right now so are thankful we just got rain. Yesterday was a pretty good day for Daphne, she had some great naps at school, one was 1hr45min, which is really long for her so that's good. I think alot of it has to do with her getting over her cold, although just maybe she has learned to nap.....I won't get my hopes up. The parent's luncheon was alright, I was the only one their for the infant room so that was kind of stupid, but I would have been there any way feed her so it's not like I made a special trip. Today at school is wear your favorite sports team day, we aren't sure what Peanut it going to wear. She has Detroit Redwing's stuff but I think it's too small now, she also has a Michigan Tech onsie but it might be too big, we'll check it out this morning. Last night she went to bed really well...around 650 we fell asleep, yes that is early but it was actually me who was ready for bed. Seems like the pesky cold has hit me harder then her, ugh! She slept alright, she was kind of wiggly this morning (2am - wakeup) so that was kind of challenging but she is still sleeping now with Mike. Work is going alright, starting to pick up with a lot more projects, still not wanting to be there most of the time and hoping that changes. Hope you all have a melty or good weather day........and Happy Earth Day!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

April Showers

Good Morning everyone, hope your Monday brought better weather then ours. We had a day full of rain/sleet with temperatures in the 30's, now there's a rebound from the 70 degree weekend. Peanut had a good day at school yesterday, she seemed in happy spirits when we saw her at lunch so that was nice. She was also happy when I picked her up at the end of the day and only had a minor meltdown in the car on the way home. She had a great night and is still sleeping with Mike right now. Today at her school is a parents luncheon, unfortunately only one parent can go for space reasons I assume (although we joke and say they made that rule especially for us since we always pick her up and drop her off together). So I will be going at lunch for the event, we'll see what its like. Other then that its a day as usual. An update on the 4 - 10 hour days, it's not looking promising due to the fact that it would have to be taken to Human Resources and then offered to everyone at the company, which I always kind of wondered but went with what my Manager said. That's a bummer!!!! Maybe we will have to bring up that part time option.... Have a good Tuesday!

Monday, April 20, 2009's almost here

Week 5 of our work/school routine begins. I can't believe it has already been 4 weeks since I have been back to work, how time flies. We had a good weekend, Peanut seems to be getting better as the days go on, she had a great night last night and hardly woke up at all. Now the only issue is I have a cold too, so well she slept great I kept waking up with the usual runny/stuffy nose. We had some great weather this weekend, at least for Friday and Saturday! Peanut got to be outside alot and enjoy a little sun and fresh air, perfect cure to the common cold we hope. This week will be busy, I have Chiropractor Monday and Wednesday, there's a Parents Lunch at school Tuesday, there's a going away party for someone at work at 4:30 on Thursday (we might bring Peanut to show her off), and Peanut has her 4 month doctor appointment on Friday. Yeah, it will be crazy but we'll hang in there and make it to the weekend. Hope you all had a great weekend and have a good start to your new week.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Hard Days Night

Yeah, today's title pretty much sums up last night.....Peanut definetly has a cold. Coughing, sneezing and a stuffy nose, the whole shebang. Her morning at daycare went good and the afternoon with grandma went without a hitch. It was bedtime where everything went wrong. She could not sleep, poor little thing, she was up every 1/2 hour to hour just trying to get comfortable and not feeling so well. Needless to say we are all tired. I'm going to work for the morning then going to try and come home for the afternoon. Have a great weekend everyone, send some cold busting thoughts our way.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Good's finally Thursday and almost the end of the week. Yesterday Daphne did really well at school, ate great in the afternoon and took some naps in her crib. They also mentioned her new prehistoric sounding screech to me she is doing it every where apparently. That was pretty funny that I didn't even have to bring it up! She had a good afternoon home and went to bed alright except early this morning she was pretty wiggly and has started coughing. I'm really hoping the hacking cough and almost stuffy sound is just in my imagination and when I go up to wake her and Mike she will be fine....but I'm not so sure. We were planning on her going this morning to school and spending the rest of the day with grandma but if she is sounding sick still I think she will be staying home the whole day, which will be kind of hard for her because she will get out of her routine, but I don't want her sick at school.....we'll see. It was pretty nice out here yesterday, mid 50's and sunny, still some wind but there is hope that it's warming up. I think the next few days are suppose to be nice as well, finally! Have a great Thursday...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

56 & Partly Cloudy

Today's title pretty much sums up the weather for this week...and that's a 56 that feels about 40 with the wind...and a partly cloudy that really means all the parts of the clouds are blocking the sun. We are patiently waiting for the glimmer of hope that it is, in fact, Spring. Friday is suppose to be in the low 60's I believe but I won't get to excited just yet. Yesterday morning at daycare was just a so-so day for Peanut. She wasn't much in an eating or napping mood. She ate about 2 oz and napped zero minutes...yes, zero. She was in good spirits when we got home for lunch though so that was good. Her afternoon with grandma went pretty well, she had some much needed naps, at the expense of grandma's arms of course. She still didn't want much to do with the bottle though, only ate 1 oz. She was happy as a clam when we got home from work and stayed up until ~6:45 so that was good. Bedtime went fairly smooth, not the best but by far not the worst, I would even call it an easy night. She slept pretty well, she was hungry alot due to her bottle strike but other then that it was a good night. We are hoping she will be eating much better today since she is doing a full day at daycare. We will be going at lunch to see her again so that will be fun. After work I have a chiropractor appointment, which is much needed at this point! Have a happy Hump Day everyone!
PS Today's picture is a happy Daphne in her carseat (note the lack of millions of blankets due to one nice day this weekend....also in the corner are the ears or her new favorite toy to chew on...that will be another topic)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Half Days...

Happy Tuesday everyone. Peanut's day at "school" yesterday went pretty well. She didn't eat as much in the morning as the end of last week but did make up for it some in the afternoon. I think she will get back on track today. Her lunch time feeding went great too, I guess we will be having lunch in the car this summer =). Mike picked her up from school because I had a chiropractor. She had her level 10 meltdown in the car like usual but once I got home she was ok, she was just hungry. The chiropractor was also a nice treat after work! Work is going alright, nothing very exciting to report. Still waiting to hear back on the 4 - 10 hour days. Everyone at work keeps coming up and asking me if I'm going to go part-time and I stare at them and reply "Do you know of some secret part-time option that Kohler has all set up and ready to go?" ....and no one has any the moral to that story is Kohler doesn't have any easy part-time option set up but it seems a lot of people are interested in it. If I wanted to I could probably attempt to pioneer the idea of it with HR and my manager. First I am going to try 4 -10's I think. Anyway, on to the important details, Peanut did not have a meltdown last night, yes we went to bed at 6:30 and yes she did kindof wake up and fuss around 8:30 and then 9:30 BUT she definetly did not have her usual meltdown so that was glorious and I actually feel fairly well rested today. She is going to daycare in the morning and going to come home and stay with Grandma this afternoon. We'll see what kind of crazy adventures we'll have to post about tomorrow!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Eggs & Dinosaur Squawks

Good Morning everyone...another Monday, never easy to ease into a week after a 3 day weekend. Our weekend was great, we had a nice relaxing three days to hang out and do family stuff. Thursday's daycare session went much better, she ate more then she ever has so far and our family lunch in the car worked better as well. Once work/daycare were done we began our long and happy weekend. We went to Target, Shopko and out to breakfast at the coffee shop on the river. We made granola, dyed Easter eggs and got Easter baskets full of goodies. I finally got to go to chiropractor for myself only to find out that I am in dire need of some chiropractor TLC so I will be going there a few times a week the next couple of weeks. Over the weekend Peanut was in good spirits overall, I think she is permanently on a new daycare night schedule of waking up every two hours to eat, which leaves me feeling like I run marathons in my sleep and can't figure out why I'm so tired in the morning...but I think this will change as she starts eating more at daycare and adjusting. Peanut has a new skill....I bet the first thing that pops into your mind is rolling over or grabbing things, and yes she is working on both of those (grabbing things more then rolling over), neither of those were finessed this weekend. Her new all time favorite is to squeal like a Dinosaur. I can't really describe it any better then that. It truly does sound like prehistoric squawks and screech's. Whether happy or sad this is her go to noise and she LOVES to hear her own voice....she can do it constantly for an hour and be happy as can be. This drives us crazy (of course in a "happy, yeah look how cute my baby" is way) and we are seriously hoping this is a small phase. We'll see what the people at daycare say when we pick her Wish us luck on our start of the week en devours, I'm hoping it won't be too rough on Peanut today since she hasn't been in 3 days. Grandma Debbie will be visiting this week so that be our weeknight entertainment (if you can call from 4:30-6:00 night). Wishing everyone a sunny Monday...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Take Your Daughter to Work Day

Happy Thursday disguised as Friday!! Yipee, we made it. Today's title is just wishful thinking but the picture is just how cute we would look if it was Take Your Daughter to Work Day. Anyway, yesterday's daycare seems like it went a bit better for her yesterday. She ate 6oz all day instead of 5 and they said she is getting much better at the bottle so that is encouraging. There will be a day in the future when she takes bottles like a champ at daycare and we look back on this and laugh at how little she use to eat. She took 3 - 30 minute naps and did some tummy time and swing time. She still was a bit distracted at lunch but someone gave me the genius idea to take her out to the car and try there. We did that at the end of my visit yesterday since I was dropped off at first. It didn't work so well then but we are going to try it again this afternoon, that way Mike will be with us and we can have a family lunch in the car. And better yet even, it will be minus the noise of 1,000 monkeys dancing on bongo drums screeching lullaby's! When we picked her up for the day she made it home without the stage 10 meltdown. That was a welcome relief to both Mom and Dad's now fragile ears! It probably helped that it was actually nice out yesterday (high 50's even and sunny) so she didn't need the blankets (aka "bars") over her car seat (aka "mini-prison") so she was able to feel the air and see the outdoors. When we got home we had an exciting package from Grandma and Grandpa Soetaert full of Easter Goodies. The little white bunny slippers went right on Peanuts little feet to be greeted by a happy smile. After that she made it until about 7:00 so that was pretty good for a little tired Peanut. She did still have her nighttime meltdown in which she screams all of her troubles from the day for about 30min-45min. We were hoping we wouldn't be revisiting this stage of nighttime fun but it looks like daycare is taking us back a bit in the bedtime routine area. She fell asleep right at the point where I said to Mike, "I can't do this every night", then I looked over and her eyes were closing and she was out. I do believe she knows exactly where our limits are and will jump about 10ft past our melting points then stop, just to see if we can make it. Well we made it last night, she was out around 7:45 so that was nice, I was out as well and Mike was off to finish washing diapers and doing dishes while he watched his movie. Today we are hoping for an even better day...but better yet, a family weekend ahead. Have a great Thursday everyone. I might be around this weekend to post but if not have a Happy Easter as well!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Little Blue Hat

Here we go again, 5:30am on three of full time. Tuesday went a bit better then Monday I suppose. We dropped Peanut off happy and ready for the day. When I went to feed her at lunch she didn't eat all that much because she still wasn't use to the idea, but I did get to play with her and some of the toys there while I was waiting for Mike to pick me up. I also go to talk to some of the ladies so that was kind of nice. She ended up napping more yesterday then Monday so that was a relief. She napped for a total of an hour and twenty minutes, much better then 35min! Although they did say she was fussy in the afternoon and just wanted to be held. We did have another stage 10 meltdown in the car though and we didn't even use the "little blue hat" (I think that can cause the meltdown most of the time). Once we got her home and out of the car seat, aka "mini prison" in her opinion, she was a happy little girl. We actually made it about 15 minutes later for bedtime last night so that was something (yes it was still light out and the blinds had to be closed to pretend it was actually night). She took longer to get to bed last night so that wasn't much fun for anyone. It seems her crying has increased in volume lately, I don't know if she's learning new tips and tricks from her friends at school or is just getting stronger lungs but let me tell you, when she is having her bedtime meltdown my ears ring! She finally fell asleep being bounced on the ball around 9:30, yes we started almost 3 hours before that. Some days we wonder what on earth we possibly did with all of our free time before Peanut joined us. Work is going alright, mostly it's still an adjustment so my eyes are falling out of my head by the afternoon but eventually I'll get used to it. I asked my manager about 4 - 10 hour days and she is okay with it but is going to check with her I am waiting patiently in hopes that I can work 10 hour days, if only i could do 4 - 8 hour days instead! Today's picture is the infamous "little blue hat" that can cause stage 10 meltdowns. This picture is from the morning and we don't have meltdowns then...just smiles so that's much better. Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sleep Deprivation

Tuesday....almost this weeks Wednesday since we have Friday off (thank goodness!). "How did our first day of full daycare go?" is probably the first question to pop into your heads....well let me tell you. Daphne is not a full day of daycare kind of girl....well, at least not yet. The actual day at daycare went well. I went to nurse her at lunch and she was happy as can be, smiling and laughing away. They gave me a rocking chair in the toddler sleeping area (kind of darker and closed off) so that was nice. Peanut, however, is not yet use to the idea of me feeding her at daycare. She was much more interested in the sights (lights, kids running here and there) and sounds (crying, squealing, 8 different songs playing at once) and couldn't seem to focus on the eating. That's alright though, I kind of expected it to take some time for her to understand that that is her one chance to eat for the day (other then her arch nemesis, the bottle). None the less, I left her happily on her back on the play mat with some blocks to look at. We picked her up at 4:15 to find out she had napped a total of 35 minutes....and I say total because it was 2 naps, 10 min & 25 min. Hmmm, that didn't sound like it was going to be a good night but she was in good spirits so maybe she would pull through. We got in the car and that was when Peanut decided to let me know exactly how much she didn't like being there all day. Instead of her usual baby talk all the way home I got a stage 10 meltdown (and of course all the red stop lights possible). We made it home and she calmed down but the rest of the night wasn't much better. Actually I shouldn't say night really since we were getting ready for bed around 6:15, so about 1 1/2 after we got home, still plenty light out. She had a series of other breakdowns before crashing at around 7:45 with me next to her hoping to get some sleep. She woke up every 2 hours to eat due to the fact that she only ate 5 oz all day at daycare (should probably be around 10-15oz) so she had some major making up to do. At about 3:30am I couldn't fall back asleep so I just laid there for awhile getting really excited for today (*wink, wink*). Hopefully today she will nap a bit more and eat as well, fingers crossed! Thanks for all your thoughts yesterday, maybe today you can send some sleepiness Peanuts way or maybe what she really needs is a bit less stubbornness...
(The picture found above is Peanut in her babylegs, my weekend creation)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Case of the Monday's

Good Morning and Happy Monday. Yeah, that just doesn't sound right, I don't know if anyone really enjoys Monday's. Oh well, none the less today is Monday and it is what you make of it. We have started our first day of the new full time routine and are hoping it goes well. At least it is a 4 day week! I have been thinking about possibly doing 4 - 10 hour days at work so Peanut only goes to daycare 4 days a week. Now the real question is can I make it through 4 - 10 hour days on random chunks of sleep...hmmmm. Any way, on to Friday's update. Friday at daycare went good, I picked Peanut up by myself, Mike had a meeting. She was swinging away when I got there and we had a cozy and relaxing last afternoon together. Saturday we all went out to breakfast and she slept through all but the last 10 minutes of it. Other then that we mostly hung around the house the whole weekend. We made granola and baby legs (these are like little leggings for babies, they wear them with onsies to keep there legs warm in spring and early summer). We also read books together and did tummy time. It was a great weekend, even with the minimal amount of sun. Looks like this week will be the same weather wise, gray and possibly snow....come on spring! Happy Monday, send Peanut your hugs today while she is at daycare all day.

Friday, April 3, 2009

The sun will come out tomorrow...

Well we made it to Friday. Another week gone by...Peanut is now 16 weeks 1 day old by the way. In 9 short days she will be be 4 months old. We were looking at some pictures yesterday of when she first came home, and oh wow has she changed. Today's picture is one of a super fresh peanut, doesn't she look different?! Yesterday went pretty well at daycare, she only took a 10 minute nap for them though, the little stinker. Other then that they said she was happy as usual. She made up for her lack of napping when we got home and took about a 3 hour nap in the afternoon. She went to sleep last night much better then the past two nights so that's good. Yesterday at work there were more layoffs! Mike and I were not affected, even though I wish they had asked me to go part time, I would have been ecstatic! I am thankful we were not affected though, seeing as it was a pretty big layoff. 35 people from my side and 15 from Mikes (although no engineers and no one in our direct area). We don't have any plans for the weekend other then to enjoy each others company and maybe attempt to go out to breakfast tomorrow if Peanut is up for it. Hope you all had a great week and we get some nice weather so we can spend some time in the sun this weekend! Happy Friday...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Lil' Picasso

We are now officially over the halfway mark of the week!!! Woooohoooooo! Daycare yesterday went well, she had 3oz's to eat, played on the floor mat, did some swing time and took two little naps. When we got there she had a pacifier, we were shocked and amazed seeing as she would never take one for us before. The rest of the afternoon went pretty well, except for Peanut's raging determination to not nap. She also had a hard time going to sleep again last night...we are really hoping that it has more to do with growing pains/daycare adjustment then with possibly catching any daycare disease out there. We did have another surprise waiting for us when we picked her up yesterday....Peanut's Masterpiece! Isn't it great?! We also have the chance to sign up for parent/teacher interviews so we just might do that to see how they think she is doing. Other then that today will should go as usual. Happy Thursday everyone, see you Friday!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bunny Ears

Wednesday, ahhh the middle of the week. I am both thrilled and saddened. We are only two days away from the weekend (if you pretend today is over, of course) yet we are one day closer to the dreaded "full time" week. At least the weekend comes first. Yesterday went well for everyone, Daphne had a good day at daycare, she was there an extra hour yesterday even! She enjoyed her swing and play mat time. She even continued to work on her painting project by painting with her little feetsies again! Mike picked her up yesterday because I was at lunch. He did inform of the dreaded news he found when her got there, posted to the the Infant Room there has been a reported case of Strep Throat....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, not something we want to hear at all. What happened to a cold or cough? We just get to skip right over those and go to strep throat?! We are hoping she is not going to get this because if she does it will be very sad...When I drop her off today maybe I'll attempt to lick all contagious surfaces in the room in hopes that I can give her the right antibodies in my milk, not sure how that will work but there's hope! Lunch with my engineering team went well, we went to Whistling Straits, a Kohler restaurant at one of their golf courses. It was fancy inside, lots of giant wood rafters and big wood tables. It was fun, but I think what I ordered had dairy hidden in it (even without the cheese I told them I didn't want), so needless to say, Peanut was not a happy camper last night. She took about 2.5hours to get to sleep but was still asleep by 9:00. I won't be eating dairy for awhile now, lesson learned. Hopefully by doing that she will feel better, we'll see. Hope you all had a good start to your week and have a happy Wednesday!