Drum Roll.................. Toof #5 and Toof #6 are through the gum!!!!! Yeah, we made it and have all survived. We are hoping that this will bring back some of those more sleepy nights and happy days for Peanut. Yesterday she was a bit cranky, but if you consider the two teeth poking through she was in great spirits. Last night was a fitful sleep full of wiggles and fusses. She is already awake upstairs with Mike playing with some toys. Hopefully at daycare she can have a bit more fun now that they have poked through. Other then that everything is going well here. It's hot, 80ish and humid so we used the air for the second time this summer last night. Alright I'm off to start my day, I can hear my animals breaking all sorts of animal rules behind me this morning. Cat eating dog food, dog eating cat food, oh the insanity. Have a great Tuesday!
yay for you!!!