So it has come to my attention that I have horrible grammer, spelling and sentence structure in my morning posts. I think I knew this all along but after reading through some yesterday, yikes, it's an embarrassment. I know this is due to the fact that it's about 5:30am here, I just got out of bed and am still 80% asleep and I have a 15 minute window to type this up and post it, but still no excuse. I will make an attempt to always spell check and try to fit in a proof reading so i don't cringe when I reread my own posts. Any way, on to Peanut updates... Her top two middle teeth are through the gums and the two other top teeth are on there way, I can tell because last night she would fuss in her sleep and move around a lot like she does before they come through. Also,the most annoying diaper rash in the world is still there, and I am pretty sure it's due to teething. So we just have to make it through the next set and we will have a 30 minute break before the rest start up. Think beating diaper rash thoughts today so we don't have to have another visit to the doctor! The above picture is Peanut practicing her crawling.
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