Yay, Thursday has arrived! We have out department picnic in the park all afternoon (well it's just for my department so Mike will still be at work). Only the morning of work left for the week, too bad I have about 8 days worth of stuff I am supposed to get done. Peanut had a good day yesterday, we did something spontaneous and unheard of....we went out to dinner! Yes, we were amazed as well, out to dinner on a week night with Peanut. We thought we'd give it a shot. Grandma was here and it was her birthday yesterday so we decided why not. We went to Il Ritrovo, it's this really great wood fire Italian pizza place in town. Daphne did great. She was busy jumping and playing in our arms so she was definitely a handful but she remained happy the whole time, AND we got to eat our most favorite pizza for the first time in at least a year. Well I have tomorrow off so I'm not sure if there will be a post, it will be a surprise. If not, have a great weekend!
Precious picture!