Peanut has officially taken on a new past time. She loves to crawl all over mom. If I lay down with her next to me her favorite thing to do is prop her arms up on my belly and her knees on the bed and just start rocking and scooting and hitting my belly. If I hold her she puts both feet and both arms straight out so she can try to crawl on me while I'm holding her. Gone are the days of the
little blob of cuddles and onto bigger and more wiggly times. She is also holding strong against the evil teeth and horrible diaper rash. We were up to change her last night twice so we can hopefully beat this thing. Let's just say it's really hard to get up to change a sleeping baby twice. We had a thunderstorm last night so that was fun to listen to after I was laying there trying to fall back asleep from changing her. Other then that today will be business as usual. Have a great Wednesday!
i may have mentioned this before, but teeth are evil.