Saturday, July 11, 2009

7 Months

Today Daphne is 7 month old! So I have decided to do an honorary 7 month post.

Daphne at 7 months:
Has 3 teeth through the gums
Has 3 more almost through the gums
Loves to chew on anything and everything
Loves brown paper lunch bags, remotes, cellphones and iPod's
Laughs hysterically at Zeus for just walking by
Squeals at Oscar and Zoe whenever she sees them
Rolls all over the house
Loves to be naked

Gets on her hands and knees and rocks
Scoots backwards
Waves her hand bye bye
Eats some foods (favorite is apple slices)

Likes frozen wash clothes
Is now out of her infant seat and in her big girl car seat

Wears 12 months clothes
Weighs 16lbs 10.5oz
Can sit up by herself

Loves to be held
Is happy all the time
Makes Mom and Dad smile and laugh 1000 times a day

Have a great weekend, just think the next post like this will be 8 month old!

1 comment:

  1. A fantastic post with awesome pictures. Happy 7 months. aren't taggy blankets the best ever?
