Good Morning everyone. We are waking up to heavy rain and occasional thunder and lightening....which is always kind of exciting. Granted I'd much rather it not be a weekday and Monday at that but exciting none the less. Today's picture is a good summary of how Peanut and I are feeling this morning. Well maybe not Peanut judging from the screams of glee I am hearing tumble down the stairs from the morning daddy time routine.... Due to her invention of the new baby sport "extreme sleeping", which involves flailing as much as possible with a surprising amount of force and always hitting your target, preferebly mom, I have been up on and off since 2am. So not exactly ready and rearing to face this rainy Monday but once we get going I might wake up a bit. We had a nice weekend hanging out around home. The biggest and most exciting event was the first launch of Peanut's doorway jumper in our house. Yes, dad is her new hero because he was able to rig it up in the door way between the living room and back hall. Hope you all had a great weekend!
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