Thursday, June 11, 2009

Happy 6 month Birthday Peanut!

Yay, Peanut is 6 months old!!!! Wooohoooo 1/2 birthday celebrations. We will put Birthday pictures up later! On to today....Passing you a virtual bag of popcorn...Today is Popcorn Sale day! $1 for a brown lunch bag full. We are open from 10-3 and we deliver to your desk or to your meeting as well. Our proceeds go to the Sheboygan Humane Society. That will be part of my day at work today, with other meetings filling in the fun! Peanut had a good day at school yesterday, she had 2 new adventures. She had a major blowout which is her first ever school blowout, they thought the diapers were invincible but they found out they are not, she also play with the puppets. Not sure what those are but that's what was written on her report card and it sounds like fun. I think tomorrow morning when Mike is home with her he may take her to the library, maybe they have a childrens story time, she would like that. That's about all from our end, since I will be going to work tomorrow I will most likely still be posting at the usual time, if not i will in the afternoon. Either way see you tomorrow and think popcorny thoughts today!


  1. thank you:
    The baby s very beotyful
    How do you do.
    well come to
