Yay for Friday!! Only working the morning today but that seems hard enough. Yesterday went alright, Daphne had her 6 month check up. She is 15lbs 14.5 oz and 26.5 in long, doing really good! The doctor said everything is looking great, checked her ears and they were looking good (we kind of wondered since she had been pulling on one a bit and acting off lately), had a good temp, and her
clicky knee is
ok according to the doctor. She also got two shots which she did not like at all...once they were done and she got to nurse she was much better. She did get two
tweety bird
band aids on her legs, she calls them her 2
Boo's because boo-boo is just too long to say. She had kind of a rough night, not sure if it was the shots or not really, she wasn't miserable or anything, just grumpy. Not a good combo with a mom
that's all stuffed up too. Oh well, we made it to morning so hopefully we all can start feeling better. Good news is it seems to have cooled down a bit,
I'm hoping it stays that way all day. Have a good weekend!
hi from the BC board. I hate shot day. We had to do a lot of tylenol to get through it. poor babies!