Well I now know why Peanut has been acting off (she is now seeming to feel a bit better I may add)....I know this because she has passed it on to me. I woke up at 1:00am with a super stuffy nose, a pounding sinus headache and a dried out and sore throat. Heck I wanted to wake up every hour crying for someone to help me get comfy, but instead I laid there feeling like dying and thinking of ways to get out of work today. To top it off it is still
stinkin' hot here, 78 in our house, and humid as heck. Yeah, not so fun to feel like crap in this weather. Anyway, like I mentioned above Peanut seems to be doing better, she had a good day at school yesterday full or naps and eating and playing with puppets. They have also commented on how she is starting to move around there too so that's exciting. I will most likely go to work today for one reason...it is air conditioned. If I stay home I would be in the bedroom all day and have the window AC running, which just sounds expensive. I would also want Peanut to stay home with me and then I just wouldn't get any rest anyway. Send get well thoughts our way! Have a great Wednesday...
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