Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Short Week Tuesday
Happy Tuesday everyone. Our Monday went well, nothing too exciting or out of the ordinary really. Peanut had a good day at school and the say she is getting closer and closer to sitting up all by herself everyday. She can do it for almost a minute now! Other then that just the usual around the house, chores and trying to start packing for our trip home, maybe tonight we can get that started. I'm slowly but surely getting better so that's good. Work is slow this week because the long holiday weekend. Today's picture is from our Sunday croquet event, Peanut spent some of the time in her Bumbo and the rest rolling around and being held. Have a great day!
Monday, June 29, 2009
1 Bedroom Studio Apartment
This weekend we finally got around to doing the inevitable, moving more little baby stuff to the basement and moving on to the bigger baby stuff. We took off the changing table on the pack n' play and lowered the whole base so now she have a giant cube to herself, we call it her 1 Bedroom Studio Apartment. She seems to enjoy herself in there, maybe even more then before. Today's picture is her living it up in her very own place. We had a good weekend. Friday Peanut and I went out to lunch with John, Greta and Olivia at Brisco and sat on the deck, Peanut did great. Saturday Peanut, Mike and I went to have breakfast at Nature's Best and sat outside on the river, we then went to the farmers markets and got some lettuce, spinach, strawberries and bread. Sunday we all went to our friend Tom's and played some croquet. Peanut has been sleeping better at night these past few nights so that is a relief. Although this morning I did have the little surprise of a wide awake Peanut at 4:30am! That is 2 hours early and will only lead to a grumpy Peanut at school so I'm hoping she will stay asleep upstairs for Mike right now. Yay for a short week this week and our upcoming trip to Mqt for the 4th! Have a great Monday...
Friday, June 26, 2009
2 Boo's
Yay for Friday!! Only working the morning today but that seems hard enough. Yesterday went alright, Daphne had her 6 month check up. She is 15lbs 14.5 oz and 26.5 in long, doing really good! The doctor said everything is looking great, checked her ears and they were looking good (we kind of wondered since she had been pulling on one a bit and acting off lately), had a good temp, and her clicky knee is ok according to the doctor. She also got two shots which she did not like at all...once they were done and she got to nurse she was much better. She did get two tweety bird band aids on her legs, she calls them her 2 Boo's because boo-boo is just too long to say. She had kind of a rough night, not sure if it was the shots or not really, she wasn't miserable or anything, just grumpy. Not a good combo with a mom that's all stuffed up too. Oh well, we made it to morning so hopefully we all can start feeling better. Good news is it seems to have cooled down a bit, I'm hoping it stays that way all day. Have a good weekend!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Happy Thursday everyone, yay almost through the week. Tomorrow is one of the Friday's where I will be working a half day while Mike stays home for that part so not quit done yet. Peanut had a good day yesterday. Since it's still hotter then any where in Wisconsin should ever be she got to go in her little floaty in the pool and walk all over, she loved it! Today she has her 6 mo. appointment at 4:00 so we will have weight and height updates tomorrow. I am still feeling like crap but the mornings are usually the worse so hopefully it will get better. I will be in training allllll day today at work so not much fun from my end. On a brighter note, I will be posting tomorrow since I have to head into work in the morning. Have a great Thursday and stay cool...
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The Plague
Well I now know why Peanut has been acting off (she is now seeming to feel a bit better I may add)....I know this because she has passed it on to me. I woke up at 1:00am with a super stuffy nose, a pounding sinus headache and a dried out and sore throat. Heck I wanted to wake up every hour crying for someone to help me get comfy, but instead I laid there feeling like dying and thinking of ways to get out of work today. To top it off it is still stinkin' hot here, 78 in our house, and humid as heck. Yeah, not so fun to feel like crap in this weather. Anyway, like I mentioned above Peanut seems to be doing better, she had a good day at school yesterday full or naps and eating and playing with puppets. They have also commented on how she is starting to move around there too so that's exciting. I will most likely go to work today for one reason...it is air conditioned. If I stay home I would be in the bedroom all day and have the window AC running, which just sounds expensive. I would also want Peanut to stay home with me and then I just wouldn't get any rest anyway. Send get well thoughts our way! Have a great Wednesday...
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Tired Tuesday
This morning I am tired, not that unusual I suppose but seeing as it's a Tuesday I thought the title fit. Peanut had an alright day yesterday, a bit off her usual self but all in all ok. She is a little stuffed up but it could just be the extreme heat we are having all of a sudden. She slept a little better last night, only up every other hour or so, hopefully we will get to 3 hour chunks in a night or two. She is really rolling all over the place now, she can make it from one end to the living room carpet to the other in a few seconds if she wants. She is no longer the easy stationary baby to take care of, she has blossomed into a speedy little roller. Today will be the usual Tuesday for us, the week is almost half way over!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Summer Adventures
Good Morning everyone, I missed Friday's post due to a busy schedule and computer issues but now we are up and running. We had a busy and fun weekend. I think we can officially say summer has arrived. It was in the 80's all weekend, with Saturday being especially hot. I'm not so sure if Peanut likes the 80's, she seems to be like Mom, the heat just makes her more and more grumpy. We had a great weekend through, filled with all kind of fun events. Friday Grandpa John and Uncle Jake arrive on their way down to Chicago, Saturday we went to Breakfast on the farm and Peanut got to see cow, we went swimming in our pool in the backyard, installed the air conditioner, sweat, laid in the bedroom with the air conditioner, celebrated our first Father's Day and went on walks in the new stroller. Peanut hasn't been sleeping that great lately, not sure if it's teeth, if she's getting sick or if she has a belly ache. We have her 6 month visit on Thursday so maybe we can find out then. Fingers crossed it's just teeth and we don't have a summer illness coming on. Hope you have a great Monday everyone!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
My new "Nice"
(as told by Daphne)...the other day I got a new toy, it is my Nice. Its got lots of pictures of little birdies in all different colors and flowers all over it. It gives me a lot to look at. It is also covered in millions of my most favorite invention in the world....TAGS! I love to chew on each and everyone until it is soaking wet. I take my Nice with me in the car so I have something to do. At night I take my nice to bed and play with the tags instead of smacking mom with my little flailing arms, I think she likes the Nice too. Just wanted to say thanks to Heather for my Nice. Here is a picture of me on the couch with my new friend...
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Grass and I how I feel about it...
As you can see Peanut does not like grass, we'll have to try again someday soon. Yay for Wednesday, half way through the week, we can make it. Peanut had a fabulous day at school, they went on a walk in the baby buggy and took a 2 hour nap. Work was busy and will be for the rest of the week. Last night Mike bakes snicker doodles and rice crispy treats for the bake sale we are having at work on Friday while I put Daphne to bed. All in all busy yet uneventful. It is raining her today and i think it's suppose to for the next few days, hopefully on Friday it will clear up a bit so we can go on our day off walk. We ordered a new stroller so I don't have to be constantly kicking the wheels of the one we have right now. That is suppose to come tomorrow so that's exciting. We are one day away from the cut off of Mike's swine flu window so hopefully we all make it until tomorrow without symptoms! Have a great Wednesday...
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Thoughtful Tuesday
Happy Tuesday everyone...we all had a good start to our week. Pretty uneventful actually, which is a good thing sometimes. Peanut had a good day at school and a really long 2.5 hour nap! She was happy to get home and happy when Mommy came home too. The weather was nice yesterday so we finally had a chance to start wearing some of our summer outfits, yay! Work is super busy this week with projects, meetings and a bake sale on Thursday as another part of our fundraiser. Tonight we will be baking snicker doodles, rice crispy bars, finding dinner somewhere and leaving some time for fun. Have a good Tuesday!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Summer is finally here...
Good Morning everyone. It seems we have finally reached temperatures that indicate summer has arrived. It is suppose to be in the 70's all week with rain here and there. This weekend it was really nice out all weekend, in the mid to high 70's even. Our weekend started Friday. Peanut and Mike had a good Friday morning filled with a trip to the coffee shop with grandma (who was passing through on her way to see Uncle John) and a long nap walk. When I got home she was happily asleep in her stroller. Our afternoon after Mike left for work was full of relaxing and lazy fun. Mike called at 2:00 and told us he had just found out that he was in a meeting with someone who now has a confirmed case of the swine flu, oh joy, nothing like getting just the right news to start your weekend. He has the list of symptoms and if he doesn't show any by Thursday of this week we are in the clear, fingers crossed! We made the best of the rest of the weekend, we went to the farmers market on Saturday with Peanut in her Moby Wrap facing the world, she loved it! We also went on a family walk with Zeus too, of course. We made cookies, cleaned the house, and moved our bed to the floor so when she gets mobile (she is getting very close) she has a shorter height to tumble. We swung in the hammock, touched grass and watched cars drive by. We found out Peanut is not a fan of grass touching her and have some great pictures to post later this week. We had a great weekend, hope you all did too!
Friday, June 12, 2009
First bite...
Mmmmmmm.....sweet potato all over my face, my favorite! Yesterday Peanut had her first taste of food, and she thought it was pretty interesting. I would say she didn't love it or hate it, and she even ate a few small bites! I'm pretty sure more of it got on her bib, hands, legs, face and high chair but a small fraction did in fact make it to her mouth. And she seemed to enjoy the taste, once she got past the "what the heck is happening in my mouth" feeling. She will be staying home this morning with Mike and I will head to work for 4 hours, then come home and he'll head to work. A bit of a crazy schedule but its only like this on a couple Friday's until August. Our popcorn sale went really well yesterday, we made ~$250! We plan on doing it again in a coulple weeks. Have a great weekend everyone, maybe we can finally enjoy some summer weather.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Happy 6 month Birthday Peanut!
Yay, Peanut is 6 months old!!!! Wooohoooo 1/2 birthday celebrations. We will put Birthday pictures up later! On to today....Passing you a virtual bag of popcorn...Today is Popcorn Sale day! $1 for a brown lunch bag full. We are open from 10-3 and we deliver to your desk or to your meeting as well. Our proceeds go to the Sheboygan Humane Society. That will be part of my day at work today, with other meetings filling in the gaps....how fun! Peanut had a good day at school yesterday, she had 2 new adventures. She had a major blowout which is her first ever school blowout, they thought the diapers were invincible but they found out they are not, she also play with the puppets. Not sure what those are but that's what was written on her report card and it sounds like fun. I think tomorrow morning when Mike is home with her he may take her to the library, maybe they have a childrens story time, she would like that. That's about all from our end, since I will be going to work tomorrow I will most likely still be posting at the usual time, if not i will in the afternoon. Either way see you tomorrow and think popcorny thoughts today!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Popcorn for Charity
Yay for Wednesday.....we are halfway through the week, a bit more even. I will be working Friday morning this week so I don't have to use a 1/2 day of vacation again but Mike will be home with Daphne while I'm at work then we will switch at lunch so it won't be a full day at least. Peanut had a good day at school. I dressed her in a new outfit I found that is adorable (little brown dress top with flowers on it and little brown goucho pants)....and when I picked her up at lunch to feed her low and behold she was in her backup mismatched clothes. She had chewed on her shirt so much they had to change her. Oh darn, on such a cute outfit day too! She even managed to do this before they put the bib on her that she wears ALL day so that must have been some pretty intense chewing. Other then that she had a good day. At work this week we are working on doing some events for local charities and our team is selling Popcorn. A guy on our team has a popcorn popper (like the bigger kinds that you see at bars) and he is bringing it in and we will pop it, bag it and sell it in the lobby tomorrow. We are also going to deliver it to meetings and people's desks. That's about the most entertaining thing going on at work right now, keeps us happy at least. Have a great Wednesday everyone!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Rain Rain Go Away...
Happy Tuesday everyone! We all had a good day yesterday, nothing out of the ordinary to report from out end. It was rainy and gray all day and today looks like it will be the same. I have attempted to post another video that we put together of Peanut's adventures to date, I know it still needs some tweaks during the transactions and what not but thought I'd show it a little early....hope you enjoy!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Thunder and Lightening
Good Morning everyone. We are waking up to heavy rain and occasional thunder and lightening....which is always kind of exciting. Granted I'd much rather it not be a weekday and Monday at that but exciting none the less. Today's picture is a good summary of how Peanut and I are feeling this morning. Well maybe not Peanut judging from the screams of glee I am hearing tumble down the stairs from the morning daddy time routine.... Due to her invention of the new baby sport "extreme sleeping", which involves flailing as much as possible with a surprising amount of force and always hitting your target, preferebly mom, I have been up on and off since 2am. So not exactly ready and rearing to face this rainy Monday but once we get going I might wake up a bit. We had a nice weekend hanging out around home. The biggest and most exciting event was the first launch of Peanut's doorway jumper in our house. Yes, dad is her new hero because he was able to rig it up in the door way between the living room and back hall. Hope you all had a great weekend!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Friday Free Day
So far this is what we have done, according to Peanut....
Got dressed put on a hat and hoodie sweatshirt, get travel monkey and blankie then load into stroller, look at trees and the sky as we go to the cemetery, fall asleep shielded from the sun while mom realizes she is out of shape ant can't walk 2ft anymore let alone up giant hills, come home and go inside while in the stroller and still asleep, wake up right away, get new diaper, go in my bouncer and love it ..for 5 min, lay on the floor while mom starts pumping ,get mad at the pump (aka milk stealing monster) and move to the bumbo next to mom pumping, eat my book tag, yes the tag is my favorite, get mad again so mom stops pumping early, knock the milk out of moms hand so it's on me, her and the floor but there's still some to save, get tired and fussy, nurse, get swaddled and put in crib with mobile while mom showers and makes bed and I watch the mobile, don't fuss till moms done, get bounced with paci and put on bed where I napand mom is watching me but I am wiggly cuz I gotta poo, wake up, new diaper with still no poo, come downstairs, go in bouncer, start talking while mom posts our daily update.
Got dressed put on a hat and hoodie sweatshirt, get travel monkey and blankie then load into stroller, look at trees and the sky as we go to the cemetery, fall asleep shielded from the sun while mom realizes she is out of shape ant can't walk 2ft anymore let alone up giant hills, come home and go inside while in the stroller and still asleep, wake up right away, get new diaper, go in my bouncer and love it ..for 5 min, lay on the floor while mom starts pumping ,get mad at the pump (aka milk stealing monster) and move to the bumbo next to mom pumping, eat my book tag, yes the tag is my favorite, get mad again so mom stops pumping early, knock the milk out of moms hand so it's on me, her and the floor but there's still some to save, get tired and fussy, nurse, get swaddled and put in crib with mobile while mom showers and makes bed and I watch the mobile, don't fuss till moms done, get bounced with paci and put on bed where I napand mom is watching me but I am wiggly cuz I gotta poo, wake up, new diaper with still no poo, come downstairs, go in bouncer, start talking while mom posts our daily update.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
We Made it
Yay for it being the last day of the week for Peanut and I! She had a good day at school yesterday, they practiced sitting up and she is getting pretty good at it! Work was crazy busy and I was in meetings most of the day but hopefully today will be a bit easier. Tomorrow is suppose to be in the 70s so I am really excited about having the day off. Other then that we plan on hanging around the house enjoying the weekend. I'll post tomorrow but probably not this early, we'll see.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
The Cat, The Weekend and The Pansy
Yay, it's Wednesday, we are creeping towards my last day of work....tomorrow!!! Thought I'd share a quick story about our cat, Zoe. For Mother's Day I had gotten a potted Petunia from Peanut's school. The pot has her little hand and fingerprints painted all over it and some little painted lady bugs, the flower in it was a very pretty little purple Pansy. I wasn't sure how long it would make it but I kept it nice and watered and it seemed to be doing surprisingly well...little did I know that our long weekend trip to Marquette would be the end of the Pansy. When we got back from our trip I walked in to see the pot on the island....with only loose dirt in it. No flower, no stem, no roots....hmmmm that was definitely weird. All of my previous cat eating plant experiences have left some major plant greenery attached; mangled, but attached none the less. So I look closer at the island top and see dirt....as I move to the dining room I see a lot more dirt on the carpet....and some in the living room. That was the end of the evidence...no roots, no stem, no flower to be found. What that means is she delicately removed my Mother's Day Pansy without knocking over the pot or leaving any greenery behind. She then dragged it through the house to ensure dirt would be scattered as far and wide as possible...and proceeded to eat (or hide, but I don't think that's the selected option) my Mother's Day Pansy. Wow, now that takes thought and incite....even from a cat. The Mother's Day Pansy has been replanted and Peanut approved. We are both still not on speaking terms with Zoe. Have a great Wednesday everyone! (PS Peanut had a good day yesterday, ate more at daycare since Miss Missy was back from vacation. Today's picture features some of Peanut's homemade favorites...)
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
The Extra Hour
You wouldn't think one measly hour could drag to eternity....but it can. Yesterday was a long day but all in all it went well. Peanut had a good day at school. One of the usual ladies has been on vacation for the past couple days and the other one had her baby last week....so there have been some different ladies in the infant room. They are not new to the daycare, just newish to the room filling in while the main people are on vacation and maternity. Peanut will be happy when the main ladies come back, I don't think she eats as well for the new ones. All day yesterday she only ate 4.5oz, the little stinker. Work, as I mentioned above, was loooong. Hopefully as the week goes on it will seem a little easier....and best of all I won't be working Friday so that's a relief. Good think I only have a few weeks here and there until August that I will be doing the extended hours, if it was permanent it would be a big adjustment. Have a great Tuesday everyone....and Happy Birthday Grandma Soetaert!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Four Day Weeks
Good Morning everyone. Happy Monday! This week is the start of my first 4 day week! I will be working 9 hours today and the rest of the week, which means none on Friday....yay! I'm going to stay until 5 today and Mike will pick Peanut up at school. It will probably be a bit tricky at first but we only have to make it work until August 11th, then I start part-time. We had a great weekend with a visit from Uncle Jake and Grandma Debbie. The weather was pretty nice, about 70 on Saturday even, and chillier yesterday. We planted flowers, make yummy dinners, played with lots of toys, went to the coffee shop, and a whole lot more. Hopefully we all have a great week! Check out my video below...it shows Peanuts favorite new thing to do...pant in excitement!
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