Good Morning everyone. I can't believe it is already the last week in October, the year has flown by. It will be Thanksgiving and Daphne's birthday before we even know it! We had a nice weekend full of lots of fun stuff. We had fondue with friends on Saturday and I went on a food making marathon in the kitchen yesterday. I made butternut squash soup, mini turkey meatloaf's (for Daphne), and babyfood (green beans, zuchini, carrots, mango, and a pear/apple/cherry blend). I also started two more hats for a friend and Daphne's Halloween costume, she will be a lady bug. It was a busy, but fun, weekend. Daphne has a new skill that she accomplished this weekend! She now waves when you wave hi or bye at her, it's just about the cutest thing I've ever seen. We are trying to get a video of it but every time the camera comes out she is not interested. When we get one I will post it for you guys to see. Today's picture is another from the Farmers Market in Door County. She thought a Peanut size pumpkin was about the coolest thing there. Have a great Monday.
have a great week.