Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday, Monday

Good Morning everyone, hope you all had a great weekend. Today's pictures are my attempts at getting some shots of her in her picture day outfit from last week. Needless to say she is hard to keep still and get full body shots of but these one's are pretty fun too. Not sure how I managed the second one, it was the luck of the second I guess. We had a fun weekend and got a lot done. Here are some of our highlights...

Farmers Market, with a hat and jacket for the first time so far this year
Shopko and Pick N Save Trip
Sorting through the wood in our backyard
Making butternut squash soup, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie for Mike and I
Making green beans, peas, sweet potatoes, plums and pears for Peanut
Playing on the floor and taking naps together
Made 5 hats and most of a dress

I have some pictures from our events this weekend so I'll post them this week. Have an uneventful and normal Monday to ease you back into the week!

1 comment:

  1. Dill has never had plums, I might have to try that next. Does she like them?

    Hope you have a great Monday as well :)
