Good Morning everyone. Peanut seems to be fighting off some cruddy sickness. We went to the chiropractor yesterday and she said that she seemed a bit under the weather, nothing serious really, just fighting off something. So, that being said, we brought her home and gave her a nice long bath. We then had a family bed evening and just hung out there while she played around in her pj's. Our attempt to feed her mushed banana, to help with some of the stomach issues she has been having, failed miserably when on the first bite she decided it was definitely not going down right and threw up all over herself and our comforter. Needless to say we were done with food for the night. We got everything cleaned up, changed to PJ's #2 and went to bed. She had a rough start to her night but we gave her some Tylenol (which we usually don't do), and she went to sleep and slept pretty well. She has been in good spirits at school so that's good. Assuming she is happy and has no temp this morning (she hasn't at all yet) she will go to school. Only one day left this week since we are taking my birthday (Thursday) off. Today's picture is Peanut in the new baby wrap that I got. It's beautiful and she looks great in it! Have a good Tuesday everyone!
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