Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween Everyone!!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Spooky Thursday

Yes, we have reached the end of the week! We made it through yesterday with nothing exciting to report. School went good for Peanut, she has been practicing her standing on her own and since it was nicer out yesterday she got to outside in the little play area they have. They said that she wanted to put everything in her mouth so they had to bring her back in and she wasn't happy about it. She only took a 30 minute nap all day yesterday so she was mighty tired when we got home and had to have an evening snooze. She then peed on our last set of clean sheets so we had to wait for bedtime until those were washed and dried. I finished a little bit more of the the ladybug costume but still have a little to go, I am hoping tonight I can accomplish it. Don't worry, I will post pics of it this weekend! Today's picture is from our get together last Saturday, I think it's the first time they have both been looking at the camera. Have a great Thursday!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pink, Pink, Pink Wednesday

Happy Wednesday. We are officially half way through our week, yay! Yesterday was a good day for Peanut at school, they have been playing Halloween games all week (well, the baby version of Halloween games) and doing Halloween art projects. I am almost finished with her lady bug costume so she can officially put it on for the first time! Not sure what we will do yet for Halloween. I know the Kohler Design Center is doing a little trick or treat thing, maybe we will take her there so she can at least see some kids, we'll see. Today's picture is to say thanks for Grandma Debbie for the warm and wonderful coat! Have a great Wednesday.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tooth #9 Tuesday

Good Morning everyone and happy Tuesday. We made it through our Monday with nothing too exciting to report. Peanut seems to be teething again, I think it's tooth #9, one of the first dreaded molars. She is obsessed with putting anything she can find in her mouth and ocassionally on the cranky side. She did get her Halloween cards in the mail yesterday (Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Soetaert and Grandpa Bray)!. We opened them then let her look at them on the floor and took a picture. Due to the small amount of Monday rage still left after her bath we got the action shot above. If you can't tell what she is doing she just took a big bite out of a nice black fuzzy kitty card. Just shows how much she liked getting them! Hope you have a great Tuesday.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Time Flies When You're Having Fun....

Good Morning everyone. I can't believe it is already the last week in October, the year has flown by. It will be Thanksgiving and Daphne's birthday before we even know it! We had a nice weekend full of lots of fun stuff. We had fondue with friends on Saturday and I went on a food making marathon in the kitchen yesterday. I made butternut squash soup, mini turkey meatloaf's (for Daphne), and babyfood (green beans, zuchini, carrots, mango, and a pear/apple/cherry blend). I also started two more hats for a friend and Daphne's Halloween costume, she will be a lady bug. It was a busy, but fun, weekend. Daphne has a new skill that she accomplished this weekend! She now waves when you wave hi or bye at her, it's just about the cutest thing I've ever seen. We are trying to get a video of it but every time the camera comes out she is not interested. When we get one I will post it for you guys to see. Today's picture is another from the Farmers Market in Door County. She thought a Peanut size pumpkin was about the coolest thing there. Have a great Monday.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Here I sit...

Yay, we have reached our weeks end! This week has actually gone by fast so that is a nice change. Peanut had another good day at school. She is working on her new talent of standing unassisted. It usually sneaks up on her when she is least aware, like if she is standing and playing and needs two hands to shove a toy into her mouth, and the next thing she knows she is standing all by herself. She can do it for almost 10 seconds now and does it at school and at home. We don't have much in the weekend plans other then lunch with friends and doing stuff around the house. Hope you have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wishful Wednesday

Half way through the week, yes! Peanut had a great day at school yesterday and loved seeing her friends and playing with her favorite toys. She was happy when we picked her up and even drank a bit of her milk while she was there. Our night was the usual routine of playtime, bath, dinner and bed. Nothing too exciting to report from the work end of it except that I got a new computer at work, finally! It's a laptop so now I will be spending the remainder of the week trying to figure it out...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Warm Fall Day

Happy Tuesday everyone. Yesterday was a good start to the week, nothing that eventful. It was warm out yesterday, high 60's even, and we were invaded by those Asian beetles. Whenever it gets warm this late in the year they come out and attack our front door. There are thousands of them and we have to vacuum them up, not fun. Other then that a pretty average day. Daphne had some veggie lentil soup last night for the first time and loved it! She is getting leftovers for lunch at school. The picture today is from a pumpkin patch/farmers market in door county. Have a great day!

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Littlest Guest

Good Morning everyone. We are home from our weekend trip to Door County. It was busy and lots of fun! The place we stayed at was great, it was called Orphan Annie's Schoolhouse Inn, and is an old restored school house. We had a suite so Peanut had all the room in the world to explore. It was nice and roomy and super clean with surprisingly little baby no-no's so we had a great time. She even learned to climb stairs while we were there! She hasn't done it here yet since ours are not carpeted and usually out of her exploring area so it was a good opportunity for her to try them out. We enjoyed the weather (when it was nice out), walked to the local book store and coffee shop, visited a farmers market full of pumpkins, went to the park and hung out in our great room. Everyone seems to be on the mend health wise so that is a relief. If we can make it through the week with out any additional ailments I think we will fully recover. Hope you had a great weekend!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me....

Well today is the 28th birthday! We are getting our stuff together to go to Door County. We had a slight glitch last night when I seem to have caught Peanut's stomach bug and threw up, that was not a fun way to start the birthday weekend. I am feeling better this morning so I am hoping it was short lived. Hope you have a great weekend!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

School pick-up

Good Morning and thank goodness it's finally Wednesday! We just have to make it through today and we are done with our work/school week and get to start the fun stuff. Daphne puked yesterday at school after she ate her squash. That was sad, they called and told us she made it through all of it then gagged and puked. I went to pick her up an hour later so we could come home early. She was happy and didn't have a fever so we just came home and hung out. We are on a food break now to avoid puking issues. She did ok with applesauce and yogurt yesterday so we will stick to that only today I think. She had a good night so we will be taking her to school this morning (I really want to stay home with her but can't). She is happy at least so maybe she will have a good day. We might make it a short day and bring her home at lunch, we'll see. Then tomorrow we are home free! I will be taking in two pumpkin pies to work today for my birthday. Mike so kindly baked them for me last night as I was going to bed, they should be delicious! Today's picture is Daphne loving the butternut squash soup right off the spoon, from last week of course. Have a great Wednesday....

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Feeling Cruddy Tuesday

Good Morning everyone. Peanut seems to be fighting off some cruddy sickness. We went to the chiropractor yesterday and she said that she seemed a bit under the weather, nothing serious really, just fighting off something. So, that being said, we brought her home and gave her a nice long bath. We then had a family bed evening and just hung out there while she played around in her pj's. Our attempt to feed her mushed banana, to help with some of the stomach issues she has been having, failed miserably when on the first bite she decided it was definitely not going down right and threw up all over herself and our comforter. Needless to say we were done with food for the night. We got everything cleaned up, changed to PJ's #2 and went to bed. She had a rough start to her night but we gave her some Tylenol (which we usually don't do), and she went to sleep and slept pretty well. She has been in good spirits at school so that's good. Assuming she is happy and has no temp this morning (she hasn't at all yet) she will go to school. Only one day left this week since we are taking my birthday (Thursday) off. Today's picture is Peanut in the new baby wrap that I got. It's beautiful and she looks great in it! Have a good Tuesday everyone!

Monday, October 12, 2009

10 Month Birthday Weekend

Good morning everyone! We had a great weekend with Grandpa visiting and celebrating Peanuts 10 month birthday. It was chilly here most of the weekend but the sun did come out. We were even able to put up our Halloween decorations. We also made granola, bread and hummus and had time to go to the farmers market. This is another short week since we are going to door county next weekend for my birthday. The first picture is Daphne and Grandpa Bray hanging out. The next few are some hats I made for friends and a bag I made for fun. Hope you have a great Monday.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hanging Out

Yay, the last day of the week! Peanut had a good day at school yesterday. She tried the straw once or twice while she was there but that was it, she wasn't in for a repeat of the milk drinking success from Tuesday. I had a later meeting yesterday so I didn't get home until 5 so we kind of had a different routine last night but all in all it was a good day. Today is nothing out of the ordinary. We got Peanut's pictures back from school this week. They turned out great!! They look very much so like the classic "school picture", which hasn't changed much since we had ours taken. The picture above is Peanut helping me with dinner in the Mei Tei baby carrier and the one's below are pictures of her school pics. Now we just have to figure out how many to order...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Windy and Rainy

Happy Hump Day everyone. Peanut had a great day at school yesterday, she even ate 6oz! That's about 2-3 times more then usual lately. She was SO much happier after school, probably because she wasn't starving! It was most likely just a one time deal for the week but fingers crossed that she will do it again today. She also learned how to use a straw yesterday! We were drinking juice boxes and she tried one and I squeezed it and wa-la, she was sucking it up. I am going to send one to school with her today to see if she will drink more milk using one of those. Nothing too out of the ordinary here. My morning was started by cleaning up my dog that rolled in poop while outside. That was a nice Wednesday treat. Today's picture is Peanut in her bike trailer from this weekend. No, we didn't use it yet, but we did put her in it for a bit to see if she liked it. Hope you have a great day.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Under the Table

Monday is down and three days left of the work/school week. We had a pretty good day yesterday, nothing out of the ordinary really. The weather is suppose to get colder as the week goes on, and I think today it might rain. I can't believe its time to start thinking about a winter jacket for Peanut! Today's picture is from last Friday. Go figure that two of her favorite things to play with are the homemade fort (our dining room table and chairs) and one of her old socks. We crawl away from the giant stack of toys to find a true gem in the dining room. She looks so stinking cute doing it,I couldn't resist getting under there with her to join in the fun. It turned out to actually be pretty neat down there, and if it wasn't for her creative idea I would have never known. Have a great day!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday, Monday

Good Morning everyone, hope you all had a great weekend. Today's pictures are my attempts at getting some shots of her in her picture day outfit from last week. Needless to say she is hard to keep still and get full body shots of but these one's are pretty fun too. Not sure how I managed the second one, it was the luck of the second I guess. We had a fun weekend and got a lot done. Here are some of our highlights...

Farmers Market, with a hat and jacket for the first time so far this year
Shopko and Pick N Save Trip
Sorting through the wood in our backyard
Making butternut squash soup, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie for Mike and I
Making green beans, peas, sweet potatoes, plums and pears for Peanut
Playing on the floor and taking naps together
Made 5 hats and most of a dress

I have some pictures from our events this weekend so I'll post them this week. Have an uneventful and normal Monday to ease you back into the week!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy October

Thursday, ahhhhh, the last day of our week. Yesterday went well for everyone. Peanut had a great picture day at school. They said they managed to get two good pictures in before the tears started so that's good. Today's picture is her all bundled and ready to leave yesterday morning. We save the hat for the last minute since she is not the biggest fan of hats. It is 37 degrees here this morning and the heat is on, yikes, looks like summer is officially over. This weekend we will have to put away our summer stuff and get out some Halloween decorations. It's hard to believe that in less then 3 months Peanut will be 1 year old. Hope you have a great Thursday!