Good morning everyone. We had a better night last night, thank goodness! Peanut is still all stuffed up and has a bit of a cough but she did sleep better so that's good. She will be going to her new room today at school, I wish she didn't have to start sick but at least it will only be a 3 day week for her now. She had a good day home with Dad yesterday. She got to stay in her PJ's all day and play on the floor with her very own toys and take naps in her very own bed. Yesterday she tried watermelon for the first time, she loved it. I got an organic yellow watermelon from the fancy store attached to the wood fire pizza
restaurant (
Il Ritrovo) in town. She tried it in her mesh feeder and in little pieces and both seemed to be a hit. Today should be a pretty easy day, Mr. Zeus has a vet appointment but that is all that is going on other then work and school. Think positive thoughts today as little Peanut begins her adventure on to the next room at school. Have a good Tuesday...
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