Sunday, August 16, 2009

Break on Through

Today is a bonus post so you can all see what Peanut has accomplished. She started crawling officially on Thursday, August 13th, this video is from that night. She is still getting the hang of it, a bit wobbly and not sure whether she wants to crawl or stand up and walk but she can do it!! You'll have to excuse the remnants of our trip behind her, they have now been unpacked... Enjoy the little video below, I'm sure there will be more to come!
* You'll have to excuse the wierd version of this song, not sure why it's doing that....but I still think you get the point :c)

1 comment:

  1. Omgoodness that is the cutest video! Her little bum being all wiggly, LoL, she is going to laugh so hard at this when she is older :)
