Friday, May 1, 2009

Hop on Pop

Happy Friday everyone....we finally made it! Yesterday was a pretty good day. A couple of exciting things happened actually.... After talking with my manager we developed a loose plan for my schedule, although we still have to take it to HR so it's only about 10% guaranteed right now. I will do 4 days a week, 9 hours a day, which will leave me with 4 hours left to do on Friday. I will then take those as vacation. I will do this for 2-3 months while I finish up a project at work then I will switch to 80% instead of full time, meaning I would work 4 - 8 hour days. That doesn't sound too bad, it means using some vacation but it would be worth it. I'm trying not to get too excited though because the part time thing is really up in the air so I'm not sure how that's going to go. We will meet with HR next week and feel them out. I probably wont start until the week after next or later because we have to get their approval. The next exciting thing that happened is Peanut fell asleep in her crib!!!!!! I was so proud of her. I nursed her in her room on the daybed and she wasn't falling asleep so I put her in her crib, swaddled up (arms out of course) with her pacifier (she will occasionally take it now) and turned on her mobile. It took about 20 minutes of wiggling around, spiting out the pacifier, kicking the mobile, doing a 360 turn in the crib and reswaddling but she fell asleep and was happy the whole time she was in there. She slept in there from 8:00-8:45, that might not see like a big deal but TRUST ME, for her it is a huge accomplishment. When she woke up I brought her into our room and went to bed. We are making progress and it's only day 2! Today should be a pretty good day, I have chiropractor after work then we are eating dinner with John and Greta, hoping Peanut can keep her self together for that long today. We then have visitors this weekend, Grandpa and Uncle Jake! How fun.....have a great weekend and enjoy any sun that peaks through those clouds.

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