Friday, May 8, 2009

"Chompy the Toof"

Happy Friday everyone...we have almost made it another week. I can't believe Daphne will be 5 months on Monday and I have been back to work full time for one month. Yesterday Peanut had a good day at school and we had beautiful weather. Since we, for once, had nothing to do after work we took a walk. Half the time she was in the stroller and have the time she was in her sling. She's still not sure that the stroller isn't a torture device so we are going to have to start regular family walks to convince her. Today's picture is her in her little hat getting ready for our walk. Work went alright as well, my meeting with HR went pretty good. I left the meeting thinking I would most likely be able to start 4 - 10 hour days next week because that would be the easiest route to go. However, within 15 minutes of that I was told that might not be the easiest route to go due to everyone else wanting the same so part time might be the easiest route and someone else would have to meet with someone else before they could needless to say I still don't know. It appears I'll be working 4 days a week somehow but when we get to the start point I am not sure. And on to the most exciting news are probably wondering if today's title is some crazy kids book or another wacky song I use to listen too....the answer is no, it is the name of Peanut's FIRST TOOTH that broke through yesterday (she named it with the help of Dad). Yes, that is right, she has a tooth that you can feel and see poking out of her gums. It's on the bottom, her right side. She is getting SOOO big, I can not believe she has a tooth already. That makes me feel a bit better about her runny nose and cough, now that the tooth is through maybe she will get better. Hope you all have a great weekend, we are planing on visiting with an old friend and enjoying the weather.

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