Friday, March 27, 2009


We made it!! It is Friday and I haven't truly appreciated a Friday this much in a looong time. Day #4 of our work/daycare routine went well. Yesterday she played on the floor, did some swing time, read a book, painted with her hands (apparently last time it was just her feet, they are working on a project that will be finished next week) and took two naps. When we got there she was sitting with Miss Missy on the floor playing with her friends Ianna and Hope. The picture you see on the left is from her first day of school. One more day to go and we are home free for the weekend. Our weekend plans include going out to breakfast (our new family ritual), hanging out together, making granola and taking lots of pictures of Daphne, maybe even some Easter themed ones. There is rumor of snow here this weekend, 3-5 inches as a matter of fact. We have decided if it does snow we will ignore it and pretend it is spring (i.e. no shoveling, it better melt fast) by doing springy things indoors. Hope you all have a good weekend, the next post might not be until Monday so see you then!

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