Well this is the last weekend before a whole new routine takes effect. We have had a busy week with daycare visits, chiropractor and vaccines but we are finally at weeks in and a bit sad that we have to change up what we have been doing for the past 3+ months. This weekend we will be having a lot of family time and getting some stuff done around the house to make sure we can all survive this coming up endeavor of returning to work and going to daycare. Daphne is doing good, the cold has mostly cleared up except for the occasional nose suck needed here or there and she is getting bigger everyday (she now weighs 12lbs 10oz...well on her way to almost double her birth wieght). I almost caught her rolling over on video yesterday but she just teetered on the brink and decided she wasn't ready for the world to see the rolling over yet. We've had some great weather so we've enjoyed some time on the back porch and Daphne got to meet our neighbors so that was nice. We are looking forward to the spring weather and can't wait to get outside and make some trips to Marquette. Hope you all have a great weekend, ours will be a bit bittersweet but we look forward to our new routine and getting back into the swing of things.
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