Monday, May 17, 2010

Star of the Week

Daphne is star of the week in her room, Little Wonders, this week/month (not sure why it's called star of the week really). She gets to bring in some info about herself and her favorite book, treat or CD. She is bringing two books, Where is baby's mommy and Where is baby's belly button, those are her all time favorites right now. Here is the info she is going to share (keep in mind it was a pre-written form, we filled in the italic words):

Daphne's favorite activity is playing outside. She wishes everything she owns would be the color green. She likes to eat beans and drink water. Daphne thinks the best place to eat is at home. Her favorite vacation spot is Marquette, MI because she visits all of her grandparents. She always likes to read Where is baby's mommy. Dog is the word she uses the most. When she grows up she wants to be an artist because she loves stickers and finger painting. The things Daphne likes most about school are the friends. Lastly, Daphne wants you to know her middle name is Noelle.

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