Good morning everyone, we are up an hour early today due to Peanut's decision that her wake up time this morning would be 4am, which is 2 hours early for her. Oh the joys of parenthood. The heat hasn't even kicked on in the house yet so it is a chilly start! Yesterday was a good day, someone from work came and started to take some of our wood and will be bringing a trailer back to take the rest so that is good news for the backyard. Yesterday, after we got home from work, Daphne and I were standing at the front door watching Mike move the cars out of the driveway (to load wood). When she saw him get out of the car she
squealed and POINTED at him. This is her first official one finger point...at least that we have noticed and is directly at something. It was super cute and pretty exciting. I'll keep picturing that today as my eyes bulge out of my head from the early wake up. Today at work will be crazy, my team is scheduled to present to Mr.
Kohler for our review so my early wake up will keep me on my toes. Have a great Wednesday!
that's so exciting.