So we have been working with Daphne to take a bottle for at least a month now....on and off, probably not as consistently as we should have but we have been trying. Lets see...we have a count of at least 5 different bottles on our counter right now, and multiples of some of those. I am dreaming bottle parts at night!! And, so far, none seem to be the perfect match... We have tried the fancy "most like mom" kind down to the cheapest yellow rubber nipple kind. All have equal results....rage, chewing and staring at you like you are crazy...then the OCCASIONAL latch on and drinking just to leave the small glimmer of hope in our heads that she will someday take a bottle. Here is a lineup of what we have tried:
Born Free
Dr. Browns
Gerber "El Cheapo"
Although we have yet to try the last on our list so I should be fair and still give that one a chance. At this point I think we would pay $200 to get a fake boob set like on "Meet the Parents"!!! She doesn't like pacifiers either, in fact the only other thing she will consider sucking on is a stuffed string bean toy...go figure
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