Today Daphne went to the Chiropractor in Plymouth. She was recommended by my massage therapist and see's infants often. She was really nice and Daphne liked her a lot. She just laid her on the adjustment table on her back (on her blankie) and felt her spine and bent her legs and made a few adjustments to her lower back. For baby adjustments they only touch very softly ("as hard as you would touch your eye"). She also stretched her neck a bit. Daphne smiled the whole time, even though she was fussy before and after. Then she slept on the way home, which she usually does not do at all so there was an improvement already. She will be going back on Friday and twice a week for 2 weeks. We are hoping this helps with her Reflux and nightime breakdowns. So far so good, she is sleeping in her swing as I type!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Today Daphne went to the Chiropractor in Plymouth. She was recommended by my massage therapist and see's infants often. She was really nice and Daphne liked her a lot. She just laid her on the adjustment table on her back (on her blankie) and felt her spine and bent her legs and made a few adjustments to her lower back. For baby adjustments they only touch very softly ("as hard as you would touch your eye"). She also stretched her neck a bit. Daphne smiled the whole time, even though she was fussy before and after. Then she slept on the way home, which she usually does not do at all so there was an improvement already. She will be going back on Friday and twice a week for 2 weeks. We are hoping this helps with her Reflux and nightime breakdowns. So far so good, she is sleeping in her swing as I type!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Bottles, Bottles everywhere and not a baby to drink them....
So we have been working with Daphne to take a bottle for at least a month now....on and off, probably not as consistently as we should have but we have been trying. Lets see...we have a count of at least 5 different bottles on our counter right now, and multiples of some of those. I am dreaming bottle parts at night!! And, so far, none seem to be the perfect match... We have tried the fancy "most like mom" kind down to the cheapest yellow rubber nipple kind. All have equal results....rage, chewing and staring at you like you are crazy...then the OCCASIONAL latch on and drinking just to leave the small glimmer of hope in our heads that she will someday take a bottle. Here is a lineup of what we have tried:
Born Free
Dr. Browns
Gerber "El Cheapo"
Although we have yet to try the last on our list so I should be fair and still give that one a chance. At this point I think we would pay $200 to get a fake boob set like on "Meet the Parents"!!! She doesn't like pacifiers either, in fact the only other thing she will consider sucking on is a stuffed string bean toy...go figure
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Daphne's new and exciting adventures in this world will be updated here as often as possible!
Friday, February 20th she had her 2 month check up (she was actually 10 weeks 1 day old at the check up). She weighed 11 pounds 7 ounces and was 23.5 inches long. The doctor said she was a little bit above average for weight (~55% percentile) and 75% percentile for height. She is tall and skinny, a little bit of both mom and dad =). Everything else checked out great as well. She had two vaccinations (Rotavirus and DTaP). She didn't like the shot that much and cried a bit but was ok after it was over. She seems to be feeling regular this weekend and is a pretty happy little peanut. We also had her dosage of Zantac (for reflux) increased since she gained some weight since last time (10 pounds 11 ounces at the begining of February). She is starting to do lots of new things...she loves standing up when you hold her and being held in the air like a super peanut. She also likes tummy time and swing time....she has rolled over from tummy to back two times now.
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