Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Happy Holidays
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
3 days til Christmas Tuesday
Monday, December 21, 2009
Santa....I know him!

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Happy Birthday Grandpa Bray!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
The Tunnel of Fun
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Missed Tuesday
Monday, December 14, 2009
Happy First Birthday Daphne - 12-11-09
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Birthday at School
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Snow Day!!!!
Wooohooo, today is a snow day. We got lots of wet heavy snow and schools were cancelled so daycare was as well. I am staying home from work with Peanut! She is getting a bit better but still has a runny nose and cough... I will do another list today just for the fun of it.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Daphne's Favorites...
Good Morning, we are slowly on the road to recovery. Daphne got some antibiotics yesterday so hopefully those can help this mean cough go away. Today we are going to list Daphne's favorite things...
Daphne's favorite...

Daphne's favorite...
.....Music to dance to comes from her rapping Penguin.
.....Thing to eat and make a mess with is beans!
.....Lights are on the Christmas tree!
...Toy to walk with is her new walker!
Thanks to this she has officially taken 3 steps all on her own!

...Thing about winter is getting all bundled to go outside.
(ok I had to fudge a little to get the cute snowsuit picture in...)
...Toy to walk with is her new walker!
Thanks to this she has officially taken 3 steps all on her own!
...Thing about winter is getting all bundled to go outside.
(ok I had to fudge a little to get the cute snowsuit picture in...)
Monday, December 7, 2009
Reasons why Daphne shouldn't be getting sick again...
She is too cute
She loves christmas bows
Her birthday is in 4 days
She can't go to school and see her friends
She doesn't get a good nights sleep
She was already sick 2 months ago...
and 1 month ago
she might have to go see the doctor and we hate the doctor...
plus she goes to the doctor next week anyway for her 1 year apt
But all of those reasons aren't good enough I guess cause she is not feeling good today. Mike is going to stay home with her and we will call for an appointment.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Frost and Snow Thursday
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Rambling Wednesday

- Moving furniture around to put up our tree
- Putting up Christmas lights inside
- Taking down the last strand of Halloween lights
- Putting our Penguins in the front yard
- Wrapping our giant pine tree trunk in lights
- Wrapping everyone's presents
- Finish buying everyone's presents
- Getting ready for Dad's birthday in 2 days!
- Getting ready for Daphne's birthday in 9 days
- Getting ready for Grandpa Bray's birthday in 15 days
- Figuring out what kind of birthday cake everyone should have
- Handing out 1st Birthday invites (you're all invited, see above :) )
- Unpacking from our trip
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Officially December
Monday, November 30, 2009
Slow Monday
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving Early
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Yay for Internet!
We're back! Yesterday our internet was acting up so I couldn't do my usual morning post, I am going through with drawls. Today I can't seem to find the camera so I have no new pictures of Peanut to post. If it's not one thing it's another. Oh well, you'll have to enjoy an oldie but goody today. We had a great weekend and are getting ready for our trip to Chicago and Grand Blanc, MI. This weekend Peanut practiced stair climbing and coming down. She is also becoming a pro at walking around while pushing her zebra or her box. She was standing by me at one point this weekend and moved her foot so I'm counting it as her first step. It was probably only about an inch but still. She is also become a big eater and loves sitting in her highchair and gobbling up whatever is one her tray. Hope you have a great Tuesday, only one day left for the week after today...
Thursday, November 19, 2009
4 years...
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Sid the Sloth
Good morning everyone. We are half way through the week! Peanut has an extra bonus this week cause Grandma Debbie is coming down to visit so she doesn't even have a full week. She seems to be doing better. Still coughing a bit but I think it's on its way out. She did wake up bright and early this morning though. Nothing like a smiling face at 5:15 in the morning. As I sit her I can hear her giving dad a run for his money. Today's picture is one of Peanut's favorite friends, Sid the Sloth, from the movie Ice Age. He was a Halloween present from our neighbor and he sure is fun. That is his paradise island that he is sitting on. And of course the bonus picture of Peanut in a hat. Have a great Wednesday!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Daddy Baby Tuesday
Monday, November 16, 2009
11 Months 5 Days Old
Good Morning everyone. We are all slowly picking ourselves up from the fallout of being invaded by the plague of 2009. So far it has only infected Peanut but we are hoping it will stop there. We had a good weekend. She seems to be feeling better. It started on Wednesday with chest congestion and a low fever, then added a cough, then moved from the chest to the nose with an even worse cough, then added some puking and more fever with the same cough. Oh the joys..... She has been fever free for over 24 hours and puke free since Saturday afternoon. We are planing on going to work and school today to see how it goes, even though I would really rather keep her home for the whole week to really beat this thing, sigh. Due to the plague last week I missed our monthly birthday celebration so here it is. Daphne is 11 months 5 days old!! Can you believe it, less then a month shy of a whole year! She is so wonderful and it's great to watch her grow. Today's picture is just one of her many adorable faces that we get to see everyday, assuming, that is, that she doesn't have the plague. I will have lots of fun pictures to catch up on this week. Wish us a healthy return to our routine! Have a great Monday...
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Under the weather
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Tired Tuesday
Good morning everyone. We had a usual Monday with nothing out of the ordinary to report. Peanut got in two naps at daycare so that was nice. She is having a rough patch of sleeping at night and is getting up a lot, which makes for a tired mom and dad. Hopefully it's some teeth that are coming and not something else. At least with teeth there is an end in site. Hope you all had a great Monday and have a wonderful Tuesday.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Cardboard Adventure Boat
Good Morning everyone. Another weekend has passed, it was full of lots of good stuff and great weather, but still seems to be over too quickly. We spent some time outside, to enjoy the last wonderful days in the 60's before it snows, and worked on hauling our wood pile away. We went out to breakfast and to the grocery store. We played with a whole new batch of cardboard adventure boats. Peanut took great naps and we had yummy dinners. She has now perfected her dismount from high surfaces and can do it on her own with only a spotter. We are convinced she is saying Mom and Dad, but what parent isn't I guess. This is Peanut's 11 month birthday week. Next time I post for this it will be 1 year and a couple weeks before Christmas. Hope you have a great Monday.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Look how far we've come...
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Im pointing, Im pointing
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Chicken & Barley Soup
So far we have had a good start to our first week of November. Nothing too exciting to report other then the usual Monday routine. She had a good day at school and work was pretty normal. Today Peanut is going to try her first real school food. She is going to have some Chicken Barley soup for lunch! Usually I send all of the food but I looked at the menu and thought she might like that one. Today's pictures are from our leaf raking adventure, the top one is right before we started and the bottom one is when we were all done and she was getting off my back. Have a great Tuesday...
Monday, November 2, 2009
Time Change Monday
Good Morning everyone. Another week, sigh. Monday's aren't exactly my favorite day, especially when you throw a time change in the mix. We had a great Halloween weekend. We mostly just hung out at home but we did manage to throw a few accomplishments in there. Here is a list of some of the stuff that we did this weekend...
- I finished 4 hats, still have 3 to go but at least I'm moving forward
- Mike got Peanut to nap for 2 hours and 15 min on Saturday! Go Dad!!!
- I unpacked my new sewing machine
- We all raked our backyard and put the leaves on the street
- We got 20 trick or treaters
- Peanut is mastering the art of walking while pushing her favorite cardboard box around the house
- We dressed up and went to the Design Center for a mini trick or treat
Saturday, October 31, 2009
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