This weekend Mom and Dad got me my very own personal outside swing! Dad hung it from the big tree in the backyard, I watched from inside since it's still pretty cold out there.

I kept asking Mom if he was done yet!

Finally I got to take it for a test run. I loved it, despite the 15 layers of clothing I had to wear and the confused look on my face. It takes a little to get use to swinging in your very own backyard!

In fact, I loved it so much that when I had to come inside I didn't want to at all!

We had a fun weekend, still a little chilly but we were outside at least twice a day. Daphne has a bit of a cough that is bothering her at night. Last night she coughed so hard at bedtime that she puked so that was an event. She had a pretty good night considering. Have a great Monday!