Friday, February 26, 2010

In honor of all little friends...

Here are pictures of Daphne with her best stuffed friends...

Abu the monkey (yes he is from the movie Aladdin)
Nina and Leonard (the sleepy time babies)

Rudolpho (the cutest hand size Monkey ever, haven't seen him in a few days...hmm)
Pickles (she is little and pink, perfect hand size, she is currently MIA)

Cricket (on her tray, he is also hand size...and also MIA)

Pinkie (another hand size creation, the only one not MIA)

Baby (Cabbage Patch doll with the best smelling head ever!)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The nighttime mission

Daphne has been doing something funny at night lately. She will be sleeping and all of a sudden roll over and sit up and crawl over to her crib side of the bed, grab Nina (her baby) and crawl back to me to nurse. All in all it doesn't sound that odd but it's pitch black and she just sits bolt upright from sleep and must have a baby seeking radar because she always finds her from where she was last catapulted to before bedtime. It makes us laugh, even at 3am. Here's a picture of Daphne and me, for some reason we both have some crazy hair going on. She is wearing a scarf that her friend Olivia's mom knit her!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Things we have learned from our daughter #25

That pony tails in the middle of your head could be so dang cute!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Things we have learned from our daughter #24

That an imagination is a wonderful thing...This is from our trip to the Children's Museum on Friday. It was a lot of fun and she loved it there!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Things we have learned from our daughter #23

That all laundry baskets, boxes, and containers larger then you need to be climbed into, regardless of if it’s humanely possible.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Things we have learned from our daughter #22

That it is a wonderful idea to stretch daily.

Daphne is feeling better and having a good week at school. She has been napping for about 2 hours a day on her cot with her little baby friends and eating well. She hasn't quit got the hang of enjoying the outside play time but she is working on it.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Things we have learned from our daughter #21

That sometimes you just need a finger to hold on to to get where you want to go.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Things we have learned from our daughter #20

That hanging upside down is just down right fun!
Daphne will be going to school today, she seems to feel a bit better. Wish her luck!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Sick Day

Daphne is staying home from school today due to stuffy nose and cough. Hopefully she feels better tomorrow. Dad is staying home this morning and I will stay home this afternoon. Hope you enjoyed the valentines pictures!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Things we have learned from our daughter #19

That after a long day the best thing to do is come home to an afternoon snack and a quick jog around the house...Happy 14 month birthday Peanut!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Things we have learned from our daughter #18

That playing with toys never gets old...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010

Welcome Home Dad!

Today I will give a brief update on how our weekend went, we will return to our regular what we learned from our daughter list tomorrow =c). Mike made it home from China tired but happy to be here. Below are a couple of pictures of him at the Great Wall. Daphne was happy to see him and ready to have some Dad time. He brought her back the little pink Kimono in picture 3. She is doing alright with the new room transition at school. The drop offs are a little hard for her so far but she seems to be having a good day and napping and eating well. We really miss visiting her at lunch though... She is now up to 13 teeth through the gums (some are just peeking through) so only 7 more to go and she is set for awhile! She is a busy, busy girl and is constantly walking and running all over the house, definitely keeping us on our toes.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Things we have learned from our daughter.... #15/16

That sometimes you just need a good cry....
and sometimes you just need to squeal in happiness.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Things we have learned from our daughter.... #14

That heads do not like to wear hats, hair bows or headbands, they need freedom too.

Mike made it to China and is in his hotel (well actually right now he is in the plant and almost done for the day).

Monday, February 1, 2010

Things we have learned from our daughter.... #13

That growing up happens so fast.

Good Morning everyone. Mike should have landed in China about 1/2 hour ago and is hopefully off the plane. What a long trip! His flight left at noon yesterday and he is just now I haven't heard from him yet but I will keep you posted. Today's picture's are from Daphne's graduation from the Pitter Patter room. Have a great Monday!